Chapter 27

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"So there was no one on the phone?" Marcus asked inspecting my Iphone this morning. The twins came over after breakfast, I told them about the suspicious phone calls late last night.

Max was looking out the curtains of my mother living room window. "The woman was standing over the road."

I rolled my eyes. "Well she is not there now is she..."

Max gave me sharp look from the window then walked over to sit next to me on the couch. "I am just making sure."

Marcus took out his phone. "I am going to contact Carson to see if he have eyes on Samantha."

I shook my head. "I can't believe that Samantha is capable of this. What would she have to gain?"

Max twirled his finger around his ear in a circular motion. "She is loopy Lou."

I smacked him on the leg, there was no reason for him to act that way over her having a crush on them. I might be kind hearted but I like to see a bit more proof before they convict the wrong person.

Mum came into the living area with a tray set of tea. She place the tray on the table. "They boys are right." She began to pour four cups of tea. "You need to think of your safety first. If this Samantha is indeed dangerous. You need to stay away from her honey."

"Thanks." I took the cup of tea from mums hand putting two sugars in stirring it nicely. I didn't know what else to say to that comment to I wisely kept my mouth shut.

Marcus passed the phone back to me, I placed it in my pants pocket. "If she calls you again let us know. We shall put a trace on your phone."

I nodded. "I will tell you. I promise." I smiled over at him letting him wrap his arm around my shoulders hugging me to his side. I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt so comfortable sitting next to him.

"What time are you heading to the reunion?" Mum asked us taking a sip of her tea. She crossed her legs placed the cup on the saucer.

Max spoke up answering for us. "The tickets states that it starts at six pm. There will be votes for best dressed and reunion king and Queen."

I snorted earning myself a disciplinary look from my mother. I snuggled closer into Marcus wishing that he could shield me from her. "I hate it last time. Someone nominated me in senior year for prom queen I came last."

Max went red scratching the back of his head. He looked like he had a guilty look on his face. "That was me..."

I sat up punching him in the stomach, it felt like I was hitting a brick wall as he was so toned. "Why would you do that for? No one voted for me."

"We wanted you to be our queen. They were voting for me to be king. You were the only woman I wanted up on stage with us. I still think you should of won. Jessica and I was campaigning for you. When you didn't win. Everyone was surprised. I know at least twenty people that voted for you over Chelsea. A lot of people love an underdog." Max explained to me.

I shrugged my shoulders leaning back on to the sofa. "That was just plain mean Max. Looked like they lied to you as I didn't even come third place."

Marcus spoke up silencing Max when he was about to speak. "If you ask me the whole system was ridged. If you would of gone on stage you would of have a Carrie moment anyways. I don't doubt those girls ambition."

I laughed remembering prom. Marcus is so right. Never doubt their ambition. Our laughter was interrupted by the door slamming. Hanna poked her head into the living area seeing that we were all sitting down before running up the stairs. Another slam could be heard a moment later.

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