A day in the PAST of Max Sinclair.

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I checked the time on my Cell noticing that I was on time. Having to sneak away from the office without telling Natasha was not good.

I felt guilt that I have to hide my other family around her. I know she doesn't like the fact that Nicole is pregnant with my babies. I wish with my whole heart that it was Natasha that was growing round and fat with my children. That it was her that I come running too.

I pushed opened the door to the maternity unit to see Nicole standing there talking to the nurse.

She turned to face me her big belly poking out. My hand itched to touch my children but I physically stopped myself. Me and Nicole don't have that relationship anymore. If you considered have a mistress a relationship in the first place.

"There you are." She grinned at me as I approached her and the nurse, then looped her hand through my arm leaning on my side. "Thought you were going to be late for a moment then honey."

I gritted my teeth at her name for me. It wouldn't do me good to make a scene. "I just got held up in traffic." I lied.

I wouldn't come early to wait longer than necessary with her. Just on the time that was stated.

The nurse smiled at me. "If you would like to follow me?"

We went through some doors when she told Nicole to sit on the chair and lift her belly up.

She placed a gel on her stomach the I looked to the screen seeing two babies.

My heart swelled with love. Those were my children.

"They are perfect." I said my eyes staring intently at the screen. "I can't believe we made them"

I felt Nicole's hand come to cover mine. "They are beautiful." She rubbed my hand as we shared a look between us. "You, me and our children."

I snatched my hand back from underneath hers. Clearing my throat looking anywhere but at Nicole. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable. I didn't want to give her any false hope. I am with Natasha now and she knows it.

At the same time I have to deal with her softly as she already threatened to take my kids away once. I can't let her do it. Once they are born I will have more rights over my children. It's just a waiting game I have to play.

"Would you like to know the sex?" The nurse asked oblivious to my discomfort.

"Yes." Nicole answered.

I would of preferred to be surprised.

"You are having girls." She announced.

"Girls?" Nicole looked unhappy with the news. "I was for sure that j was having boys."

Girls. Two girls to love. I must of been grinning like a damn fool as right now I am feeling on top of the world.

There isn't any girls in my family. "I am having girls!"

I spontaneous hugged Nicole's bending down to kiss her stomach. "Daddy is going to make sure that you will never date!" I poked the belly feeling as one of them turned around.

"You are twenty five...." The nurse said.

"Twenty five?" I questioned. She should be further along than that. The time when the condom split was six weeks ahead of that date so she should be thirty two. And four weeks ahead of that date was the last time we slept together.

The nurse looked to Nicole out of the corner of her eye. "I haven't got her records with me right now but it appears to be that far along."

Nicole sat up quickly pulling down her top. "Could we please have a copy of the babies."

The nurse nodded clicking away to do just that.

We left the hospital as soon as we were booked in for another appointment closer to the birth.

I walked towards my car feeling a bit awkward knowing that I will be leaving Nicole.

"So contact me if you need anything else." I told her slipping the photograph into my pocket taking out my keys in the process.

"There is one thing." She began. "I need you to foreclose on this house for me." She took out a paper of this house that was listed for sale showing me.

"That is over two million. Why do you need a house that big?" I could feel a start of a migrane starting to appear behind my eyes.

She rubbed her stomach leaning back. "Cause I want it. If you are not going to step up so me and your kids can live in comfort then I might as well go to England and live with my dad."

I felt the familiar panic set in. She does know how to push my buttons.

"There is nothing wrong with the flat that you have now." I told her thinking of a way to explain to Marcus how to pay two million for a house.

"I am not taking a pram into a lift. Plus there is no garden. Don't you want your little girls to be running around." She smiled.

She had me there. Best for kids to have a garden. "A garden. Not a whole damn football field."

Nicole tutted. "Stop being so cheap you and I both know you are going to buy me that house in order for me to stay. Or I take myself and your children away from here." She laughed raising her hand to hail a cab. "Make sure Max you put it in my name. I don't want you lording anything over me." She got into the cab then sped away.

I kicked the door of my car feeling trapped. Just when I thought I had all the control. Or was she the one leading me.

That night I brought her the house.


End of Max Sinclair's day.

Who day shall we see next?

And the votes are in. The next book shall be claimed by the Sinclair brothers.

I think I shall do two more days from random people and get started on the book.

Poor Samantha only got five votes. Just to let you know. Sam was about discovering who she is. And that meant crossing paths with Tiffany. That would of been fun. Sam getting her revenge. Mmmm

Xx kayla

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