Chapter 39

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I felt my head pounding. I lifted up my hand pressing it to my head to feel a slight twinge of pain. I looked at my hand to see blood.

I hit my head? Last thing I remember was that I was in the office. That I was watching a DVD about me having sex with the twins. Tiffany was there. She was... She was...

"Good to see that you are awake."

I looked up to see Tiffany pacing by the door holding a gun looking out the window then looked back to me.

"Where am I?" I looked around to see that we were in an empty room that housed a bed and a dressing table. Louise was sat on the bed looking at me with concern. "What are we doing here?"

"Are you okay?" Louise asked me her eyes flickering to Tiffany. It was then that I noticed that her hands and legs were bound with rope. "How is your head?"

I nodded. "I feel fine." I looked to Tiffany who looked agitated. I remembered now why my head hurts. Tiffany hit me over the head when I asked why she was under the bed in the room of the bed and breakfast. "Why am I here?"

"Shut up bitch." Tiffany hissed at me pulling the curtains aside to look out of the window. "I know they are following me."

I mouthed "Who?" to Louise when Tiffany was not looking at us. Louise shook her head pointing at me then held up two fingers rubbing her tummy.

So the twins are coming for me. That is good to know that they will soon be on their way. I tried to move my legs to see that they were tied to the wooden chair that I was sat on.

I shivered feeling a cold chill come through the air. Just what does she want? The Tiffany know wouldn't of done this to me. The Tiffany I know would have protected me as that is what best friends do.

Tiffany turned around suddenly waving the gun at me. "This is all your fault. Why did you have to watch that DvD. Now how must I plan to get away with this?"

I scrunched my eyebrows together looking at Louise who shook her head mouthing at me to say nothing. I nodded back. One thing I do know is that you cannot reason with a mad woman.

Tiffany took out her Cell phone dialling a number. "Chardy... Hi yeah I am with Tasha. She is not feeling very well. She wants you to meet her.... Yeah I need go to drive downtown to Bosworth Drive... Take a left... I give you further directions once you get there as I don't know where we are truly at the moment and don't want to give you a false address.... Hm... Girl." Tiffany let out a fake laugh. "You are so right.... I know right.... I got to dash but we speak as soon as you get here. Trust me it will be the time of your life." She ended the phone call sweetly, her face turned towards me with a sour look.

She threw the Cell phone across the room, bouncing off the wall. "I fucking hate that bitch!" She yelled rubbing the gun at the back of her head. "She think she knows everything." She turned to Louise pointing the gun. "That bitch don't know anything at all don't she Lou?"

Louise nodded. "You're right. She doesn't know anything."

Tiffany grinned. "Chardonnay is going to be the one going down for your murder Natasha. I already hidden the evidence. Louise will be my witness to the crime otherwise her mother might be Chardonnay next victim. Isn't that right Lou....." Tiffany drew out her name in a long drawn our decibel.

Louise blinked a lone tear sliding down her cheek. "That is right." She croaked her voice breaking on the last word.

I felt my heart spike in my head. "You can't kill me." My hand went to my stomach feeling the twins kick around in my stomach. "I'm pregnant."

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