Chapter 36

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"Would you like a drink?" Marcus asked me assisting me in the bed at home.

I shook my head. The doctor discharged me from the hospital an hour after my scan. That was yesterday. Max hasn't been home since then.

Marcus spooned me all night giving me the much needed support that I needed. Max is having a child with another woman! Another woman.

"Tell me what you need." Marcus asked from the doorway, looking agitated. "I am going to work from home today."

"Where is Max?" I asked quietly my voice muffled by the blanket.

Marcus checked his phone. "He should be back anytime now, with our parents."

I gulped my heart rate picking up speed. "So they are born now."

Marcus nodded clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "Two girls."

"Girls..." I hugged my stomach rolling over onto the other side of the bed. I began to rub my stomach feeling a tiny flutter. It was my babies letting me know that they were they and that they love me.

"Hanna!" Marcus called for my sister to come into the room. He pointed over to me. "She need a girl talk."

Hanna elbowed Marcus. "What is wrong with you men and your sensitivity? Her boyfriend is having a baby with someone else. How would you feel if Natasha was pregnant with another man's baby?"

He looked at her intently. "That would never be the case. As I would never have allowed it." He walked from the room closing me in with my sister.

Hanna climbed over onto the bed hugging me from behind. "It's going to be okay." She soothed as I cried into the people that scented like Max.

I woke up with puffy eyes and a pounding headache. Hanna was snoring softly beside me her mouth open wide with drool dripping out.

I laughed softly, thinking that it must have been years since we shared the same bed like sisters.

I heard loud music playing, it sounded like they were celebrating.

"I am a grandmother!" Andrea yelled. I could tell she was drunk. "Paul, little girls that I can spoil. And love..."

I heard laughter at her proclamation, she sounded so happy so joyous. I rubbed my tummy my news doesn't seem that important now that Nicole has given birth.

I swung my legs off the side of the bed trying my best not to wake up Hanna. She looked very tired, I tied my nightgown across my body walking to use the bathroom.

I felt my tummy vibrate, I haven't eaten since this morning. I checked the wall clock in the bedroom telling me it was late afternoon.

I walked to the door opening it a little to see a bright light coming from the living room area. For me to get to the living area I would need to walk past the living area.

"I told Nicole that I will stay with her for a couple of weeks, help her adjust to having two babies at once." Andrea droned on. "I know how hard it can be, especially with her being a single mother."

Max cleared his throat sitting on the couch. "Mom, I asked if she wanted a Nanny, she told me she wants one of her friends to stand in. She will not look at all the other candidates till her friend finished her latest employment."

I walked into the room, I could feel the tension as the silence descended like a dark cloud. Andrea stood frozen by the large windows. Looking at me like I was a fierce predator.

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