Chapter 42

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"I saw you shoot her." I was shocked and a little bit afraid, clutching my belly. "She fell to the floor. There was so much blood."

Max grabbed my hand. "We shot her but the emergency team were already on the way when we arrived. They helped her."

I snatched my hands away from him and Marcus. "You should of let James finished the bitch off. Now she will be coming for me again." I cursed. "You should have killed when you had the chance."

Marcus hand framed my face. "This is not you talking. We cannot kill someone in cold blood."

I shook my head out of his hands. "I would have killed her. She would have done the same to me. To your children!" I pointed to my stomach. "Am I not safe here?"

Max stood up pacing the room. "Calm down, she is under arrest at the moment in the hospital across the city. Soon she will be in prison with no chance of parole."

Marcus took my hand again, wanting to have that physical contact. "Max is right. She cannot hurt you or the babies no more you are safe. Protected."

"Protected?" I shouted. "I wasn't protected since you decided not to tell me that Tiffany was Thomas. That my friend was not who she said she was. Maybe then boys." I stressed. "I could have put up some defences look for things that seemed out of the ordinary. But like usual you like to keep things to yourself. You like to keep me in the dark wrapped in fucking cotton wool like I am a bloody saint Mariah. Well I'm not!" I shouted the last word my hair falling around my face. "Get out!" I screamed I had enough. This was too much for me. "Get out!"

"Babe!" Max tried to approach me.

I let out a loud scream. "Out. Both of you. Deal with you shit before you decide to come back to me. I had enough. I hand enough."

I wailed crying in my hands. The door opened, I heard a scuffle.

"Darling." My mum climbed on the bed. "I am here. I am here."

"They have gone." Dad said by the door. "Are you okay baby?" He looked to my mother. "What happened?"

I cried harder on my mother's shoulder. Gripping her tighter. I felt like my heart was breaking. I always wanted a family. To be married and have children. A wonderful career.

Why does this shit always keep happening to me? I have never done anything to Thomas in school. We hung out a few times. I help him come to terms with his sexuality.

I even stood up for him when I could when he was being bullied. He tried to kill me. To hurt my children. For what? For the Sinclair brothers.

"She is alive." I sniffed letting my mother use the tissue to wipe my nose. "He tried to kill me. He or she I don't know what to say. I know her as Tiffany. I let her into my home into my life when all along she was pretending."

Dad pulled the chair closer to my bed. "That is all just fucked up baby." He rubbed my wrist. "I didn't think that this sort of things happened. Especially what she done to your sister. If she wasn't already shot, I would have done it myself."

"I would have finished the job." Mum said darkly mirroring my own thoughts that I said to the twins. "Why couldn't she have died?"

I took a deep breath willing myself to stop crying. I used a clean tissue to dab at my now sore eyes. "This will be the last tears I will be shedding in a while." I had determination set on my face. "From now on I don't want to hear a word about Tiffany."

Mum hugged me again. "That is a good idea." She sat on the chair. "How is your friend?"

I grimaced. "She is not who I thought she is as well. Turns out she was paid by our competitor to come and spy on the business. Getting close to me was all an act pretending to be my friend."

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