Kayla Interview with the Twins

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Kayla babs interview with the Sinclair Twins.

Kayla: "Hi, Thank you all for joining me on this wonderful interview." I said putting my dictator phone down on the table I looked to the Sinclair twins clearing my throat. "I am going to ask you some questions about your life. I hope you don't mind."

Max: winks at me. "No problem. Ask away."

Marcus: "Nothing too personal." He added.

Kayla: "Okay." I agreed. "So how is married life with Natasha?"

Max: "Married life is great." leaning back in his chair. "It is all I could have wished for."

Marcus: "I agree with my brother. Being married to a wonderful woman like Natasha is a dream come true."

Kayla: I looked to my paper. "Do you wish that you never wasted almost ten years waiting for her?"

The twins shared a look

Marcus: "I wished to have had a relationship with her sooner. Straight after university however Natasha was not ready for this kind of relationship."

Max: Crossed his legs. "I think waiting was a good idea. I see how Natasha has changed from the person who she was in high school till who she is now. Sometimes people need time to heal and to see things from a different perspective."

Kayla: "If you would not have waited ten years. Do you think all this stalking would not have happened?"

They shook their head.

Max: "I think that Tiffany would have still stalked us. From what information we gathered this has been going on since high school."

Marcus: Looks to his twin. "However if we were involved with Natasha sooner maybe this whole mess wouldn't of happened."

Max: "Bro, let it go. We waited we are now happy." He lets out a long breath.

I could tell this was an argument that they must have had previously.

I cleared my throat noticing the obvious tension in the room.

Kayla: "So... What was it that had you so drawn to Natasha?"

Marcus: "We grew up with her. We began to love her in high school. Over time that love blossomed."

Max: He nods his head. "I love her personality. Her dry wit. Her smile. I just love her."

Kayla: "Aweee......" I gushed. "That is so sweet."

Marcus: He moved about in his chair. "That is not sweet." A blush worked its way up his cheeks.

Kayla: "How are your sons? Why did you name them after yourselves? A bit cliché?"

Max: He gave me a dark look. "They are our sons. We wanted to claim them. They have our names, our heritage. They are a part of us."

Kayla: "Oh Kay..." I looked to my sheet of paper for the next question. "Why did you keep Tiffany a secret from Natasha? If you would have told her the truth maybe all this stuff wouldn't have happened."

Marcus: "Maybe you are right. However we were acting in Tiffany best interests. She wanted to start again. After being bullied for the way she was we saw there was no threat in letting her keep this secret. To tell Natasha we thought it was not fair to Tiffany and so we thought there was no harm."

Kayla: "How do you feel about Mr Davroy hiring a spy in your organisation? You meant to be in security but you didn't know you had a spy in your midst."

Max held up his hand when it looked like Marcus was about to talk first.

Max: "I think we done our checks correctly. Louise only deferred to Davroy after gaining employment with us. I would like to tell our investors that everyone now is undergoing vigorous checks. There will not be a second spy in our employment."

I nodded writing down what he said.

Kayla: "I heard you had a chance to kill tiffany. Why didn't you take the kill shot?"

Marcus: "We are not killers. We just injured her. Death would be too kind."

Max nodded.

Kayla: "I saw you on Maury the other week. How are the girls getting on."

Max: "The girls are fine. I hear that they are staying with their family, Mr Davroy. Nicole I wish her all the best for the future. I am glad that we got this resolved before the girls had gotten older."

Kayla: "Did you get the money back that you gave her? What did she mean about being sold some bad shit?"

Max: He shrugged his shoulders. "The money is put in a trust fund for the little girls. I haven't received a penny back. But I heard she sold the house that I brought for her. I also to say that those who doubted expected me to leave just because I was with Natasha were wrong. I am a man. A man stands by his mistakes."

Kayla: "I understand. Are there any more children on the horizon?"

Marcus: "Natasha has given us a girl. We are going to enjoy the three children we have now before we plan anymore."

Kayla: "So what are your plans for the future?"

Marcus: "Why don't you tell us?"

Max: "While you were too busy asking us questions. I took the time to rummage around in that head of yours."

Kayla: "What?" I looked at them shocked. "You can't do that."

The twins stood up walking over towards me.

Marcus grabbed me by my shirt pulling me up out of my chair.

Marcus: "So you were going to backstab us?"

Max: "We know everything." He whispered loudly into my ear. "And you are not going to do it."

Kayla: shakes my head. "I have too. It is for the good of the story."

Marcus let go of my clothing like he been burnt.

Marcus: "I thought you loved us."

Kayla: "I do." Tears flowed from my eyes.

Max: "Which one of are you planning on killing?" He pointed between him and his brother. "Which one of us will not live long enough to see our children grow?"

Marcus: He crossed his arms. "You brain stormed how one of us are going to die? Tell us now so that we can prepare Kayla. How much time do we have?"

Kayla: I took a deep breath closing my eyes then pointed at the twin that was going to die. "You. I choose you to die! In claimed by the Sinclair Brothers. I don't know when yet. But it is coming."

Both of them looked at me with betrayal in their eyes. But it was too late. Their fate has already been sealed with a stroke on my keyboard.

Kayla: "I am sorry." I packed up my stuff and left.


Find out the plot twist in claimed by sinclair Brothers. Please don't hate me. 




xx kayla 

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