Chapter 38

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( Third Person )

Tiffany scanned the room putting the frame back down on the desk just as Suzy came rushing into the room.

"What happened?" Suzy rushed over to Natasha checking her pulse lifting her head up from the desk.

"She fainted and hit her head on the desk." Tiffany explained kneeling down by Natasha her hand touching her leg. "It all happened so fast." Tiffany made sure to unplug the computer whilst she was kneeling by the desk. The last thing she wanted was the woman seeing her face frozen on the screen.

Suzy stood up reaching for the landline. "We need to call an ambulance and the twins straight away. I knew it was too soon for her to come back to work."

Tiffany grabbed the phone out of Suzy hands with a panicked look on her face. "It will take to long for the EMT to get here. Help me get her to my car and I shall drive her to the hospital."

Suzy grey eyes observed Tiffany she knew something was always off about that girl but right now her priority was Natasha. "Alright." She nodded. "Max had a wheelchair ordered last week just in case she went into labour in the office."

Suzy opened the door to the outer office where she works to open another door that housed equipment.

She came back within a minute with the chair. They helped moved Natasha from that computer chair to the wheelchair.

Tiffany buckled her in taking her by the lifts.

Louise stood up from the chair outside the office when she saw them rushing with Natasha.

"What's going on?" Louise asked seeing Suzy run to the lift eagerly pressing the buttons.

"Natasha fainted again." Tiffany explained checking her phone.

The lift doors pinged opened she wheeled Natasha in followed by Louise.

"I shall call the Sinclair's" Suzy said just as the doors were about to close.

Tiffany reached out with her hands to stop the doors from closing  waving her phone at the woman.

"There is no need for that I just text Marcus. He said he will meet me us at the hospital." Tiffany stepped back pressing G for ground button in the elevator.

Suzy grunted walking back to her desk. She picked up the telephone to call the Sinclair brothers herself. She known then for years, there was no harm in double checking that they knew what was going on. Both of the men Cell went straight through to answer phone.

Suzy left them a brief message telling them of Natasha fainting at work and that Tiffany would be driving her to the local hospital.

"Where is your car parked?" Louise began to look around the car park trying to spot Tiffany red Mini Cooper.

"It's over there." Tiffany pointed to the top corner of the car park. She darted with the wheelchair in-between the cars. Walking in a hurry to get Natasha in her car, she dug in her pocket to take out her keys handing it to Louise who opened the passenger door for her, then helped her get an unconscious Natasha in the back. "I think you should wait here." Tiffany braced her hand on Louise chest when she made a move to come with them.

"Hell no." Louise opened the front passenger door sliding into the seat. "You can't drag me away. I am going to make sure that she is alright."

"Fuck sake!" Tiffany groaned blowing out a strong breath of air. "This is the last thing I need." She opened the driver's door getting into the car, speeding off away from Sinclair Inc.

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