Chapter 14

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Uploaded on 19-09-2015

Edited 01/01/18 

We went to a well known high street where all the designers were located.

After walking into so many stores I let out a sigh of relief as I collapse onto the chair in the Ralph Lauren shop.

Chardonnay walked up to a rack of clothing holding up each item for inspection.

"I like this one." Tiffany plucked a blue dress from the rack to hold it against her body. "Doesn't it scream Kate and Will to you?"

I and Louise shared a look then shook our heads.

"What about this dress?" Chardonnay picked out a pale pink evening dress.

It was beautiful. I stood up leaving my purse on the floor to walk towards her.

"What size is it," I asked her fingering the fabric. I hoped all my exercise paid off.

"Ladies," A young woman approached us. Walking stiffly. "How may I help you?"

Her eyes went over our shoulders to the security guard at the front of the store.

"We are just browsing for an evening attire." Chardonnay answered her voice becoming more firm, posher.

The woman pried the gown out of her hands to hang it back on the rail.

"I would like to show you to our discount section which might be in your price range." She nodded over to the left side of the store.

We followed her to where she was pointing. She dresses there were nice. But not as nice as the ones that were at the other end of the store.

"Laura!" She called for a girl that was behind the till. "Please attend to these ladies." She gave us a fake smile turning round to whisper not so quietly in the woman's ear. "Make sure you keep an eye on them."

"Did she just told her to watch us?" Louise looked shocked.

"Welcome to my life." Chardonnay dry comment caused me to frown. "What? It's true. People see a black woman in this store and automatically think thief."

"I ain't black." Tiffany huffed. "No need for her to treat me that way. All I was doing was looking at that dress."

"There is no need for her to treat anyone that way regardless of their colour," I spoke up. Looking for a frightening looking Laura. "I think we are just about to go."

"Sorry about her." Laura's face looked red. "It's not an issue of race." She pointed her head over to the door where two rich looking African American women came strolling through. "More of a class issue. You don't look like you have money."

We eyed the store woman as she began to suck up to the newcomers. Even showing her the dress that Chardonnay picked out for me.

"I have you know that I am wearing Prada." Tiffany sniffed folding her arms an over her chest. "Nothing cheap about me."

Laura gave a flat line smile. "That was three years ago fashion. Worth seventy percent it was from its first season."

"Ouch." Chardonnay gave the impression of her finger burning to press it out on Tiffany's shoulder. "You just got burned."

"It cost me over two hundred dollars for this suit," Tiffany explained.

Laura pointed to a suit rack. "Those are over a thousand. Like I said. Seventy percent off."

"Thanks for your help Laura," I told her. She seemed much moved than the woman who originally served us.

"Look." Chard pointed over to the saleswoman who was again handing my dress to the lady to look at who seemed interested in buying it. "I think she about to buy. That is the last one left."

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