I'm Never The One- Chapter 9

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Kaitlyn's POV

After the dinner disaster, Bonnie, Stefan, Elena, and I headed to the football game. Stefan was playing football and Bonnie was cheerleading. Elena was going to cheerlead but she quit. I, on the other hand, didn't bother to cheerlead in the first place.

We all crowd outside the football field listening to Tanner's crap speech about how our team is finally going to win for a change which I highly doubt will happen. But then again, they have Stefan so it could happen. Honestly, I don't care. Never been that interested in football or any school sports for that matter. I'm not a school spirit type of person.

I turn my attention from Mr. Tanner to behind me where I hear shouting. What the hell? Jeremy and Tyler are fighting each other. I quickly run up to them and try to pull Jeremy away, but it does no good. Jeremy pulls away from me and I stumble backwards onto the pavement. I look down at my knee to see I cut myself.

On the bright side, Stefan rushed in and separated Tyler and Jeremy before anyone could really get hurt. I stand up and thank Stefan before heading to Elena's car to get the first-aid kit out of her trunk.

I start rummaging through the trunk until I find a bandage for my cut. I turn around ready to apply the Band-Aid, when I run smack into a chest. I look up to see Damon.

"I have to get back to the game," I tell him quietly.

"Just hear me out," he pleads.

"No. I've been thinking about it lately and the reasons we shouldn't be together keep piling up. Damon, you compelled me!"

"I know I've done a lot of things wrong, but let's face it I don't know how to be in a relationship. The closest I've ever come to being in an actual relationship, before you, was Katherine and with her it was different. She liked me for all the worst parts of me. You, on the other hand, like me for me."

"Yes, I like you for you. The real you. Not the you who compels me and hurts my friends. The you when your head's not crowded by thoughts of that selfish bitch you are supposablely in love with!"

"Kaitlyn, I don't know what I want anymore."

"What you want...or who you want?"

With that I walk away from him and back to the football game.

Damon's POV

Damn, that girl just keeps messing with my head. I came back to this town wanting to rescue the only woman I've ever loved in my entire existence and then I met her. Now I don't know if I want Katherine or Kaitlyn.

I go to storm away from the parking lot, but then I see Stefan. Mines well pay my baby bro a visit.

"Hey, Stef! Ready for the big game?" I ask smirking.

"Damon, what are you doing here?"

"Supporting my baby bro of course."

"Cut the crap. Why are you really here?"

"Trying to get Kaitlyn to forgive me."

"The only way you're going to make it right with her is to make a choice. Her or Katherine?"

"I wish it were that simple..."

"Damon, you can't keep dragging her along."

"I know, I know. You know what, no. I'm sick of trying to be the person she wants me to be!" I scream in his face. Why should I have to change my ways to deserve her?

Just then a man walks out who I presume is Stefan's coach. "Salvatore, we have a game to play!" he barks. Total buzz kill.

"You must be Stefan's football coach," I say with the most politeness I can muster towards this asshole.

"And you must be the person who is holding up my star player," he says rudely.

So much for me trying to be polite. I have had enough to deal with tonight and he's not helping keep my anger in check.

"I'm sorry, Stefan, but this guy is really getting on my nerves," I tell him as veins creep down from under my eyes. I sink my fangs into his coach's neck and drain the life out of him. I then throw his lifeless corpse into the parking lot.

"No!" yells Stefan before I vanish into the night.

Kaitlyn's POV

I stand behind the police tape with Bonnie and Elena. I can't believe it. Damon killed my history teacher.

Bonnie's freaking out to Elena about how she predicted this. She kept seeing these numbers; the same numbers that are here at the crime scene. Even if she did predict this it's not her fault. It's Damon's. Everything bad in my life is the result of letting Damon into it. I just thought shutting him out of my life all together was the solution, but I guess it's not. I don't know what to do anymore.

Elena's POV

When I finally get Bonnie to calm down over Tanner's murder, I go off to find Stefan. I find him at the outskirts of the crowd on the phone probably trying to get a hold of Damon.

"Hey," I say causally, approaching him.

He hangs up frustrated and turns to me. "I'm sorry, Elena. I feel like having Damon and I in your lives has only caused you both misery."

"Having Damon in my life, yes. You, no," I tell him smiling.

"Elena...I'm not good for you."

"Stop pushing me away, Stefan!"

"I can't stand it anymore!" he yells, then crashes his lips against mine. After a few long seconds, he pulls away.

I grin like a mad man, then dive in for another kiss. Our lips lock and soon enough my legs are locked around his torso as well. I feel the air pushing against me and soon enough we are at the Boarding House in his bedroom.

He lays me down on the bed, then climbs on top of me.

A.N. I know it's a short chapter, but I hope it will do for now since starting tomorrow I'll be camping at a campground that has awful internet service. But don't worry while I'm away I will definitely work on the next chapter(s), so when I get back I can update for you. I just want to say thanks to all my readers for the support. I know I haven't gotten a lot of comments, but simply clicking the vote button is enough motivation to keep me going :)

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