I'm Never The One- Chapter 12

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Kaitlyn's POV

Ever since Damon screwed up yet again, I've been laying in my bed eating ice cream by the tub. I thought ice cream was supposed to help with break-ups, if you even call this a break-up since we weren't dating, but it does nothing to mend the pain I feel inside me. Right now, I would pick getting stabbed multiple times over this.

I hear a knock at my door. I groan and throw my empty tub of ice cream at the person trespassing. It hits Stefan smack in the head. I laugh.

"Now there's that laugh we've missed," smiles Elena, entering after Stefan. I put on a scowl and duck under my covers to escape their happy faces.

"Kaitlyn, we know this is hard for you, but moping around won't help. You deserve better than Damon," says Stefan, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I peek out from my blankets. "If I deserve better why do I feel like this?"

Stefan and Elena frown in response.

"Right, I feel like this because I love him!"


"I feel like this because the universe is punishing me for being away from him!"

"Calm down..."

"Calm down? You aren't the one who feels like their insides are trying to tear their way out!" I cry rolling out of the bed onto the floor. "Where is the bastard anyway?"

"He fed on some stoners and kidnapped Vicki Donovan."

"Oh, I've gotten replaced already!"

Stefan and Elena leave knowing very well everything they're saying isn't helping me feel better at all. It only makes me feel worse. Damon's already replaced me again. I shouldn't be surprised, but knowing this only makes the pain in my stomach ten times worse.

Damon's POV

So, I brought that Vicki girl back to the Boarding House and now she's lying on my couch passed out.

"You aren't going to be any fun asleep," I tell her, but she doesn't move. "Damn and you're getting blood on my couch."

I bite into my wrist and start feeding her. Her eyes soon snap open and she latches onto my wrist firmly.

"Slow down," I laugh. I soon yank my wrist away and she gasps.

"That was good," she grins, wiping her mouth. "Can I have more?"

"Later. Right now I want to party." She nods and I grab her hand and start dancing with her until we reach the liquor supply.

And that's what we do all day: dancing and drinking...until I get bored. At that point, I snap the poor girl's neck.

When Vicki wakes up, she doesn't believe a word I say. She thinks she got high and passed out. I try to tell her that she's in transition and soon she'll be feeling the side effects, but she thinks I'm still stoned. She stumbles out of the Boarding House leaving me.

I shrug. Her problem, not mine. Stefan can deal with her. Speaking of Stefan, I need to call him about my daylight ring.

I dial his number and pace around waiting for Stef to pick up. "Hello, brother. I was just wondering what you did with my daylight ring...uh huh, well if I don't get it back before dark I'm going to be very angry and looking for innocent blood to spill...I'm at the Boarding House. Better bring me my ring, Stefan."

I hang up annoyed with my brother. You know what, I'm annoyed with everyone: Stefan, the twins, and even myself. I need more alcohol.

Kaitlyn's POV

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