I'm Never The One- Chapter 18

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Elena's POV

I snuggle up close to Stefan on my bed. He holds me close to him as though I may vanish at any second and I don't blame him. I mean a lot has happened lately. A mysterious man caused me to crash my car and then his brother kidnapped me and took me all the way to Atlanta.

"Who was that man?" I ask, knowing he's well aware of what I mean.

"I don't know, Elena," he mumbles into my neck, causing me to giggle.

"Stefan, that tickles," I laugh playfully, pushing him away.

"Oh, yeah?" he asks, placing kisses on my neck.

"Yes!" I exclaim, pushing Stefan off of me and climbing on top of him.

Kaitlyn's POV

I walk through the Salvatore living room and into their library. Damon is throwing books off the shelf in frustration.

"What you looking for?" I ask, leaning against the doorframe.

He turns to me like a deer caught in the headlights.

"If you're looking for something to get Katherine out of the tomb you can tell me."

Damon's eyes grow wide. "Why would you say something like that?"

I tuck my hair behind my ear and walk farther into the library sitting down on a reading chair. "I know I've been sending you mixed signals lately, Damon."

"That's an understatement," he mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

Damon throws a book across the room. This isn't how I wanted it between us, all this tension in the room.

"I may have confused you in Atlanta," I say, standing up and walking towards him. "I care about you, Damon, more than I've ever cared about anyone, but the truth is we don't work. We're bad for each other. We're just too different."

"Stop it, Kate. I know what you're going to say, so just say it!" he yells, pinning me against the wall.

"We skipped being friends, Damon. Maybe that's why all we ever had was purely physical. I want to have a clean slate. I want to be friends," I explain, meeting his dull blue eyes. I want the two of us to be friends more than anything right now. When I look in Damon's eyes all I've ever seen is how emotionally damaged he is. As his friend I want to fix that.

"You want us to be friends?" he asks in disbelief, backing away from me. "I can't be friends with someone who I'm attracted to like this!"

"Then what do you suggest, Damon? We can't be anything else! You feel no emotional ties to me! It's all sexual!" I scream, clawing at my hair. Why does he get me so worked up like this? I just gave him an escape route so we could still be around each other.

"How do you know that, Kate? Did you ever once ask me?"

"I don't have to. We would never work. I want to be your friend. I want to help you save Katherine!" I exclaim.

"I don't need your help," he growls, stalking out of the library leaving me alone.

After standing in the library like a fool for five minutes, I walk out ready to leave and be as far away from this place and Damon as possible. Instead, I'm stopped by Stefan in the living room.

"I was looking for you, Kaitlyn," he says smiling, flashing that boyish grin of his.

"And I was leaving," I rudely reply, trying to make my escape.

Stefan grabs my shoulder halting me. "Why?"

"Damon is being his usual self. Need I say more?"

"Kaitlyn, you don't mean that. You love my brother," Stefan whispers, his eyes boring into my soul.

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