I'm Never The One- Chapter 13

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Kaitlyn's POV

I decided to go visit Stefan at the Boarding House. He's been cooped up with Vicki after she became a vampire. He says it's too dangerous to let her out in the world yet.

I knock on the Boarding House door and Damon answers. I frown. I'm really not in the mood for talking to him. He broke my heart and it hurts too much to be around him.

"Hey, Kate," he smiles.

"What did I..."

"I know. I know. I slaughtered the whole nickname thing. It's just sometimes I forget. It comes naturally for me to call you Kate," he explains, leaning against the doorframe.

"Is Stefan home?" I ask, trying to see past him.

"No, out hunting bunnies. He's trying to get Vicki on the animal diet. He's failing miserably," he laughs.

"I should be going then," I say awkwardly, turning to leave, when he grabs my arm pulling me back.

"Please stay," he pleads, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know..."

"I have coffee," he tempts me and I nod, smiling, letting him pull me inside.

He leads me over to the table and pulls out a chair for me and I sit down. He goes and gets two mugs of coffee and sits across from me. He then slides me my mug grinning.

I take a sip then sit it back down. "Good coffee," I murmur.

"Thanks," he says cheerfully. He's probably amazed I'm not mad at him right now. The thing is it's way too exhausting to be mad at Damon 24/7. Even though he hurt me and I can never forgive him, I still love him.

"I really better get going," I whisper, standing up.

He stands up too and blocks my path. We stand face to face. Inches apart. "Hear me out."

"No," I whimper trying to back up, but he pins me against the wall.

"Just let me kiss you. Just once. If you feel nothing, I'll let you walk away. I'll never bother you again," he promises.

"It's not whether I like you or not. It's whether or not you love Katherine."

He nods and backs away. "Is it wrong to love two people?" he asks.

"No, but it's wrong to lead someone on. You can very well love two people, but deep down you love one more than the other. So, Damon, given the choice who would you choose?"

"I'd choose you. I'm sick of pining after a woman I haven't seen in over one hundred and a half years when I have you right in front of me!" he yells, grabbing my waist and kissing me with more passion than ever before.

When he kissed me, I knew what he said was true. Because for the first time, his mind was made up and he didn't hold back and neither did I. I ripped his shirt off of his body and he did the same to me.

He lifted me up onto the kitchen counter and laid me down, kissing my bare body. He starts tugging at my pants and almost has them off when I hear coughing.

I jolt upright to see Vicki smirking at us. "Um...I'm just going to call Jeremy," she says, leaving the kitchen.

Once she's gone, Damon leans in to kiss me again, but I push him off. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"Not you. Vicki. She can't call Jeremy," I say, running out of the kitchen after Vicki.

"What do you want?" she snarls, picking up the house phone.

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