I'm Never The One- Chapter 33

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Kaitlyn's POV

Elena runs out of the school looking around the parking lot. When she locates me she runs over, breathing heavily. "Good. I found you. Bonnie was supposed to come and get you while I got Stefan."

I look past Elena at the scene unfolding at the float. The massive float was lifted off of Matt and now he lays idly to the side while he, Caroline, and Tyler argue. Bonnie is staring intently at the man Frank as he walks away from the disaster. Stefan's eyes narrow at the man as well, but he has yet to move.

"I think she got distracted," I mumble.

"Huh?" Elena asks confused. She looks over her shoulder and gasps at the incident. "Is Matt going to be okay?"

"I think so," I answer as Tyler runs off somewhere. I assume to get his car. "I'm not worried about Matt right now. Isobel kidnapped Jeremy."

Elena's head snaps in my direction with slitted eyes. "How did that happen?"

I downcast my eyes, Isobel manipulated me just like I knew she would do and I did nothing but play along as her dumb, little pawn. "She fooled me. I thought... I don't know what I thought."

Elena crosses her arms. "You thought you could be brave Kaitlyn Gilbert."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

Elena sighs and runs her hand through her knotting, brown hair. "It means you're reckless and careless and have no concern for others. Jeremy was supposed to stay out of this. That was one thing we could always agree on. Family comes first and yet you put his life in danger just to best a woman who shouldn't matter to you."

I glare at my twin. "I wasn't trying to best anyone. I was trying to prove that we didn't need her here. That she'll never be our mother and we turned out fine without her."

Elena nods and turns to walk away in Bonnie and Stefan's direction. "I think you were trying to prove that to yourself. You miss mom and dad and you've never really let it sink in."

She goes off to gather Stefan and Bonnie for some meeting in Alaric's classroom. I walk on into the school without them contemplating what she said. I wasn't trying to best Isobel. I didn't even know Jeremy's life was in jeopardy. All I knew was that woman waltzed right back into our lives and acted like she owned us. It irked me and maybe the annoyance got to me and maybe I did miss mom and dad and never properly mourned. The vampire drama and my intertwined life with the Salvatore brothers emerged right when my parents died. It kind of consumed my life and put my mourning in the back seat to sit around and wait until I was ready. I'm not sure I'm even ready now.

I enter Alaric's classroom first and sit down in the front row atop a desk again. I swing my legs in the air while I wait. Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan soon arrive. I sneak Stefan a smile. I'm glad he's back to himself.

Bonnie looks over at Stefan who's leaning against the door frame. "Where's the device?"

Stefan ruffles his hero hair and I giggle quietly as it sticks up at off angles. "Damon has it and you know as well as I do that's he's difficult to reason with."

Elena sits down on the windowsill. She gazes over at me. "Kaitlyn can do it."

I stare at Elena dumbfounded. "Why me? He's not going to be any more inclined to hand it over to me than he is to any of you."

Elena scrunches her eyebrows at me. "He still cares about you. Trust me."

Stefan interrupts. "He won't give up something that's harmful to vampires."

Elena grins at Bonnie. "What if it's not?"

Everyone in the room exchanges looks. A plan is boiling.

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