I'm Never The One- Chapter 11

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Kaitlyn's POV

I sit with my legs crossed on my bed staring at the ceiling. To say the least, I'm conflicted.

Damon has managed to crawl under my skin and screw with my head. I can't stop thinking about him. It stung when I saw him making out with Caroline. I was almost as painful as when I thought he was dead.

I don't know what's worse: being with Damon or being without him? Both make me feel like hell. When I'm with him, bad things happen to the people I care about. When he's gone, I get this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that's almost unbearable.

I let out a groan and throw a pillow at my wall out of frustration. Why does everything have to be so hard? Why couldn't I just fall in love with a prince and ride away into the sunset with him? No, instead I'm stuck with an annoying, sarcastic, hot, arrogant vampire.

What's wrong with me? I just called him hot! I'm losing it and it's all Damon's fault!

Elena has it so easy. Nothing ever goes wrong for her. Everything is smooth sailing for her and Saint Stefan, while I'm here in my room complaining about Damon to myself like a crazy person.

I mumble a few curse words and roll out of bed. I need to quit moping around. I'm not going to be one of those girls whose worlds stop spinning because of some guy. No way, am I anything like Bella Swan.

I crawl over to my dresser and start digging for my bikini. Caroline's running a sexy suds car wash and I have nothing better to do than show up and shoot death glares at the home wrecker.

I get dressed and drive over to the school to see Stefan and Elena washing a car together. Right now I despise them; the perfect happy couple.

I barge past them and go and help a girl from school named Tiki wash a car. Before I know it, I've been spotted.

Stefan makes his way over to me and sighs, "Hey, Kaitlyn."

"What do you want?" I spat angrily.

"Someone's grouchy. I'm sorry about Damon. I took care of him."

"Took care of him?"

"He was feeding on Caroline, so I poisoned him with vervain and locked him up again."

"You what?"

"Kaitlyn, it's what's best. For everyone. For you."

"You don't know what's best for me! I don't even know what's best for me! When I'm with him, bad things happen to the people I care about. When he's gone, I feel sick like I'm dying, Stefan! I can't decide which is worse..."

"That's what it's like to be in love; to be away from the person is one of the most painful feelings you can ever experience."

"I don't know what to do anymore. I used to think I didn't love him, but honestly I don't know anymore. I just want this feeling to go away!" I scream, clutching my stomach.

"I wish I could help, but as long as you're away from Damon you'll feel this way," he explains, sadly leaning in and hugging me.

"Take me to him," I demand. I'm mad at Damon for all he's done to me and my love ones, but I can't take feeling like this anymore. I need him. I start crying right there in front of all my classmates and Stefan.

"Kaitlyn, it's too dangerous. He could seriously hurt you since I haven't been feeding him enough blood to escape," he argues with me.

"Nothing could feel worse than this!" I cry into his shoulder.

Stefan scoops me up in his arms and carries me back to the Boarding House and down to the cellar. He opens a door to a cell and lays me down on a bed inside. He then walks out and shuts the door leaving me.

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