I'm Never The One- Chapter 10

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Kaitlyn's POV

Today's the day of the Founder's Ball and I'm totally bummed out. I have no one to take me. I dumped Matt and Damon's been MIA since he murdered Mr. Tanner. Bonnie's staying with her dad for a bit to cool off from all the witch business in her life. I guess, it's hard having your grandmother breathing down your neck that you have to kill someone. And Caroline, I haven't seen much of her lately either. Elena is a totally different story.

I try to plug my ears as I sit in the kitchen at my house, but it does me no good to block out the noise. Right above me, Elena and Stefan are hooking up. I guess they became an item after the football game a few nights ago.

I try to distract myself from the couple and my own problems by focusing on cleaning the Gilbert antiques Mom promised she'd loan to Mrs. Lockwood.

I hear Jeremy enter the kitchen and sit across from me. "Those two are lucky Jenna's not home," he says smirking.

"I know right," I agree. "They aren't even trying to be quiet about it."

"So, what are you up to?"

"Cleaning up some family heirlooms. Mom told Mrs. Lockwood she'd loan them to her for the display at the Founder's Ball," I explain while I polish a pocket watch.

"You can't."

"Why not, Jer?

"They're not yours to give away."

"It's a loan. We'll get them back eventually."

"But Dad said the pocket watch went to the first born son in every generation. He was going to give it to me me before he..."

"Jer..." I start.

"No, Kaitlyn. Just no,"" he says then storms out the door.

Elena's POV

I slip my skinny jeans on, then turn to Stefan who is lounging on my bed. I grin. Everything around me is falling apart, but when I'm with him everything seems perfect.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing," I lie, trying to hide my grin. "So, there's a Founder's Ball tonight..."

"They still do those?" he cuts in.

"Yeah, why?"

"Damon and I went to the very first one."

"Really? Wow, you guys are old."

"Old? You think I'm old?"

"Of course, but don't worry. I'm into older men," I say smirking and climbing into the bed next to him.

"So, what about the Founder's Ball?"

"Will you be my date?"

"Elena, do you even have to ask?"

"I will take that as a yes!" I cheer and lean in for a kiss.

Damon's POV

In the days prior to killing that waste-of-space teacher/coach, I didn't mope around about Kaitlyn. Instead, I found myself a new distraction.

I roll over in bed to see that very distraction, Caroline Forbes, in front of a mirror. She is staring at her bite marks.

"Will these turn me into a vampire?"

"No, you have to have my blood in your system when you die for that to happen."

"Well, you better get going. I have to get ready for the Founder's Ball."

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