I'm Never The One- Chapter 20

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I know I said I was going to be adding pictures I edited myself above the chapters, but I like this youtube video and have found many others, so I'm going to be posting them above chapters for awhile. I don't take credit for the youtube videos. None of them are mine. Credit belongs to the youtubers.

Kaitlyn's POV

I went home with Stefan and Elena after the whole incident at the cemetery with Damon. All I keep thinking about is what he said. I lied. What did he mean by that? Does he actually love me and if he does how do I feel about Damon?

I wanted to be his friend. I thought it would be easier that way, but nothing's ever easy with Damon. One minute, we're in a good place and the next... I don't know. We just can't seem to find common ground.

I walk up the staircase to my room leaving the happy couple in the kitchen with Jenna. It's been a long night and I just want to muddle in my unhappiness. I reach the top of the steps when someone grabs me from behind causing my vision to turn black.

I wake up on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar motel room. I start to freak when I see Ben sleeping in a chair near the end of the bed. My breathing catches and I'm on the edge of hyperventilating.

I don't know Ben very well besides that Elena said he went on a date with Bonnie and he went to our school a few years back. I look between Ben and the door to see if I can make it without waking him. I decide to take the chance.

I crawl to the end of the bed then gently rest my feet on the wooden floor. It slightly creaks, but Ben doesn't move. I stand up and tiptoe towards the motel door. I grasp the knob and sight in relief as I'm about to open it and run to freedom.

"I wouldn't." Ben's voice fills the room and I flinch. I spin around to meet Ben's stone cold eyes. He's trying to compel me. "Don't move. Understand?" he asks me.

"I understand," I respond in my best robot voice. He seems to buy it and walks away to retrieve blood out of a mini fridge. I take this as my chance to fling open the door.

I run out only to be caught by the hair and tugged back in. I turn to see Anna, Jeremy's friend.

"Really, Ben?" she exclaims, throwing me back on the bed. "Do you not remember what I told you about vervain? She dates a vampire!"

I laugh and Anna shoots me a glare. "Sorry, it's just... I don't date a vampire. That's my sister."

She snarls at me. "You've got Damon Salvatore wrapped around your finger. Close enough."

I gulp and don't argue with Anna. She comes towards me and drags me into the room's bathroom shutting me in.

I look around the cramp bathroom to see Bonnie passed out in the tub. I run to her side when I see a deep cut across her forehead.

Stefan's POV

I enter the Boarding House library with Elena on my heels. Damon is seated in a reading chair skimming through Emily's grimoire.

"Anna took Kaitlyn," I say, worry pouring out of my words.

Damon looks up at me in confusion. "So?"

I growl lowly at his response. He needs to stop faking. "Damon, you care about her and we all know it, so get off your ass and help us get her back."

Damon stands up laughing. "You're all wrong. I don't give a damn about what happens to Kaitlyn. After all, there is three of them." With that he walks past Elena and me and out of the library and house.

Elena gawks in disbelief. "How can he act so heartless? How can my sister love someone like that?"

I shake my head. I love Elena, but she's oblivious. "You don't choose who you love. Kaitlyn sees the good in him."

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