I'm Never The One- Chapter 15

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Kaitlyn's POV

It's Monday and I decide the best way to move past Damon is to go to school. My attendance has been a little spotty lately and I want to change that.

I enter my first period which is history to see they finally found a replacement for Mr. Tanner. I sit in my seat and wait for him to introduce himself to the class.

He writes his name on the chalkboard then turns around. "Hello, class. I am Alaric Saltzman. Your new history teacher."

Damon's POV

I really screwed up this time. I screwed up my chances with Kaitlyn and, to add to my growing pile of screw ups, I killed Lexi.

The only thing I have going for me right now is I have a way to unleash Katherine, but lately I'm not sure that's what I want to do. Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?

For now, I'm going to focus on getting that crystal from the Bennett witch. Then I can decide what I want to do with it.

I storm up to Bonnie smirking. "Just the witch I was looking for. Heard you have a necklace that is my key to unlocking the tomb. Hand it over."

"No," she refuses, trying to step around me. We're in the school parking lot and she's trying to get to her car that I'm blocking.

"Why do you want it? I bet that necklace has just been bad news for you. Am I right? Emily was quite a powerful witch. She's probably communicating with you through the talisman. It must be driving you insane. Let me help you. Give me the necklace," I demand reaching for it.

She backs away. "How do you know that?" she asks scared.

"Just a hunch. I'm done playing games. You hear me, Emily? Even when you're dead you're a real bitch. I better get that necklace or I'll have no problem ending the Bennett line."

"What?" Bonnie asks confused.

"Nothing. Just know that this isn't over. I tried to warn you. Remember that when Emily comes out to play again," I tell her slyly, stepping out of her path and opening the door to her car so she can get in.

Bonnie's POV

After Damon left, I waited in my car for Elena and Kaitlyn to show up. I told them I'd drive them home today.

Right now, we're driving towards their house with Elena in the passenger's seat and Kaitlyn in the back.

"Damon's after the necklace. He confronted me before you two got here." I shudder at the thought.

"Surprise, surprise," Kaitlyn says sarcastically. She's been acting like a royal bitch to everyone ever since Damon broke her heart and killed Lexi. I feel bad for her. Damon just keeps stringing her along. I wish she'd just up and realize how bad he is for her.

"Bonnie, you need to stay as far away from him as possible. We can't let him have that necklace," Elena says, ignoring Kaitlyn's comment.

"I have an idea. Why don't we just give him the stupid talisman and let Katherine and him run away into the sunset together," suggests Kaitlyn.

"We can't do that."

"Fine. Pull over."

"Pull over?"

"Pull over!"

I pull over the car as Kaitlyn demanded and she opens her door getting out. "Give me the necklace!"

"Kaitlyn, calm down and get back in the car," Elena commands, but we both know very well Kaitlyn is too stubborn to listen.

"You know what? No! I fell in love with Damon and it was the most amazing thing I've ever felt. No one ever made me feel the way he did. Then he broke my heart in the worse way possible. While I was so in deeply in love with him, he was in love with another woman; a woman who looks exactly like me! I gave him everything and now where am I? I have nothing left. Because of Damon I'll never be able to love again. So, he shouldn't be allowed to either!" she exclaims, reaching through the window and snatching the necklace away from my neck. She throws it into the field beside the car before I can protest.

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