I'm Never The One- Chapter 31

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Kaitlyn's POV

Damon, Elena, and I all drive back to the Boarding House. The car radiates awkward silence. I basically confessed I still have feelings for Stefan, which I do. I'm just not sure what type of feelings.

I think I'm mostly just pissed off that Elena didn't help Stefan like she was supposed to. When I talked with the youngest Salvatore at the Founders' Kick off, we came to an understanding. He was willing to risk everything and anything for my sister, but what if she wouldn't do the same?

Stefan deserved better than that.

I jump out of the car when Damon parks and breathe in the fresh air. The silence and my own thoughts were suffocating.

Damon looks over at me, his eyes soft. "We have to lock him up, you know."

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. I should have seen this coming. Stefan's blood lust is out of control. "How can I help?"

I flex my fingers around the vervain syringe as I approach Stefan's bedroom door. I feel like I'm betraying him. I am betraying him, but I'm the only one who can do this. I'm the only one he still trusts.

I push his door open letting the hinges creak in greeting. Stefan's head raises at the unpleasant sound.

"Didn't think you'd come," he mumbles. "I was expecting Elena."

I frown and lean against the doorframe. "And I thought you might mistake me for Elena. I mean the hair could be confusing."

I think back to when Stefan first met Elena and I. He confused my sister and I even with our hair being different. I remember having to point out the obvious distinction for him.

Stefan smiles. "I know you a lot better than I did when we first met, so your hair, or any other change in your appearance for that matter, could never fool me," he whispers. "I see you for you, Kaitlyn."

I stand there in shock. He trusts me, I trust him, and I'm going to shatter everything. "You know how you explained your feelings for Elena to me?"

Stefan nods, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I purse my lips. "I don't think anything's ever made more sense to me than that; wanting to risk everything for someone."

Stefan sighs and walks towards me until we're face to face. I lean up so our eyes meet. His eyes are green like the dew of grass in the morning. It's calming. His brother's eyes are blue hailstorms. Dew is expected and constant. Hailstorms are rare and unpredictable.

"I still believe that," Stefan reassures me, taking my hand in his. I grasp the syringe tighter in my other palm. "Even with the blood lust, I still feel the need to protect Elena."

I smile and slip my hand out of his. "Good."

Stefan tilts his head before grabbing my hand again. He rests our clasped hands against his chest; right above the fabric of his t shirt and ribcage enclosing his heart. I feel my cheeks burn.

"I never explained how I felt about you," Stefan mumbles, seizing my waist with his free hand.

I spaz and jam the vervain syringe in his neck. Stefan's body tenses before his body slumps and hits the hard wood. I spin on my heels to face Damon and Elena in the open doorway with my hands raised in mock surrender.

"What a lovey dovey snooze fest," Damon chimes, walking over to his incapacitated brother. He swings Stefan's arm over his shoulder before dragging him out of the bedroom and towards the cellar.

Elena's beady, brown eyes drill into mine. I wince under their intensity and lower my hands to my side. "He still cares about you. The blood lust won't change that," I explain quickly.

I'm Never The One (A Vampire Diaries Gilbert Twins Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ