I'm Never The One- Chapter 16

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Kaitlyn's POV

I awake on a couch in the Boarding House living room. For some reason, I can't recall what happened last. What I remember is being at Fell's Church and Emily destroying the Bennett Talisman. After that, it's all blank. Absolutely nothing.

I try to sit up, but my neck hurts. Wait...my neck hurts? Uh, no! No!

I reach up and feel my neck. To my dismay, what I was thinking is true. Someone bit me!

I'm about to try and stand up when someone rushes into the room and kneels beside me. Damon. "Are you okay?" he asks with regret clear in his facial expressions.

What the hell happened that he's acting this way? "What...what hap...happened?" I stutter, holding my head.

"Kate, you don't remember?"

"No, why?"

"Before I tell you I want you to know I'm sorry. I know what I did is unforgivable, but I can't stand the thought of losing you. It's unbearable. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. At one point, I did love Katherine, but the way I feel about you is a lot stronger than what I've ever felt towards her. I want you Kate. I love you."

I sit there stunned. Man, does he have a way with words. They always get to me, but then there's my better judgement getting in the way. "What did you do, Damon?" I whisper, holding his face between my hands.

The way he looks at me I know whatever he's going to say is going to change everything. "Kate...I fed from you."

I nod pulling my hands away. "Why?"

"It was an accident. I meant to attack...Bonnie."

I nod again standing up and pacing around the room. It all comes flooding back. How I jumped between them to save my best friend. I know he didn't intend to hurt me. I'm not mad at him about that. I'm mad at him because of how unstable he is. Going after Bonnie. Wrong move. "Damon, I love you too."

I see a smile grow on his face. He didn't let me finish. "But you...and me, we can't happen. Everything about us is wrong."

"But being with you feels so right." His words make my heart melt, but I need to ignore them.

"Damon, I need time to heal. You've played with my heart one too many times. I'm only seventeen. I have my whole life ahead of me. I need to start living it. And for right now I need to live it without you."

He nods. "Just know that when you're ready I'll be here for you. Whether it's as a friend or something more."

I walk up to him and give him a hug before leaving.

I make my way home and enter my house unannounced. I mean, I live here. It's not like I have to knock or something.

I'm about to enter the living room when someone crashes down the stairwell and tackles me with a bear hug. I groan as I fall back a few steps.

"Oh my God, Kaitlyn! I've been worried sick about you. After Damon attacked you by accident, he insisted on taking you back to the Boarding House. He felt so guilty about what occurred," cries out Elena.

I can feel my heart strings being tugged on when she says Damon felt guilty. I do my best to put those thoughts aside. "So what have I missed?" I ask, sitting down at the bottom of the steps.

She sits down beside me and sighs. "Some new vampire's in town. Damon and Stefan have been busy trying to track it down," she explains.

"Oh. Is everyone safe?"

"Yes, of course. They're handling it which means you and I am going to the career fair tonight."

"Great..." I say with as much sarcasm as humanly possible.

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