I'm Never The One- Chapter 30

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Kaitlyn's POV

The following day, I trail behind Elena into the dressing rooms located on the upper floor of the Lockwood Manor. She's carrying her dress bag and makeup kit, while I lug my dress bag, our high heel boxes, and hair equipment behind her.

Elena hangs up her dress on one of the many racks in the room before helping me. After we're situated, Jenna hurries in looking stressed as usual.

"Thanks for helping us," I say to Jenna as I sit down in front of the vanity. I brush through my wild curls.

Elena sits down on the stool beside me. She starts brushing her hair too. She has an easier time since her hair is pin-straight and easy to tame.

Jenna plugs in the curling iron. Elena and I are going to swap hairstyles for the fun of it tonight. "Don't thank me until you're sure I don't burn your hair off."

Elena sighs, sitting down her hairbrush. "I remember the first time mom told us about her winning Miss Mystic Falls. I can still see her smile. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy," Elena mumbles.

Jenna begins curling Elena's hair, while I'm still fighting with my curls. Jenna smiles softy and I focus on her reflection in the vanity mirror. "She always was her happiest talking about the pagaent. I only ever saw her happier when you two were born. She loved you girls." Jenna pauses. "No, she loves you. I guarentee she'll never stop."

A silent tear rolls down my cheek. This pageant is starting to mean a lot more to me then I wanted it to. "I think I'd be enjoying this a lot more if she was here," I whisper.

Elena laughs lightly, breaking the sad moment up the middle. "If mom was here, you wouldn't be doing this and we both know it."

I shrug and stop brushing my hair. "I'm going to go get dressed, while Jenna finishes your hair."

"Okay!" Elena hollars after my retreating figure.

Elena's POV

After Jenna finishes curling my hair to perfection, I grab my dress and head the way Kaitlyn went. I don't find my sister, but rather another contestant, a girl from my high school named Amber.

"Are you okay, Amber?" I ask quietly, afriad to startle her.

Amber turns to me and breathes heavily. "I hate being the center of attention," she admits. "I get panic attacks."

"Do you need privacy to change?" I look around the dressing room to find it empty. Kaitlyn must already be dressed.

Amber shakes her head no. "I just need some air," she assures me before fleeing down the stairs.

I turn to change when I catch Damon's reflection in the mirror. "We need to talk," he says, approaching me.

I lay my dress down and turn to face him. "You can't be back here."

Damon's eyes trail my body in a way they've never done before. It sends jolts down my spine and to the tip of my toes. "But the forbidden location makes what I'm about to say even more sexy," he growls under his breath.

His every word heats up my body. Why is he doing this? He knows I'm back together with his brother.

"Damon," I warn.

He vamp speeds over so he's directly behind me; no space between our burning bodies. His hands latch to my waist and his lips like gasoline set my neck ablaze.

This is wrong.

This is wrong. I repeat it again and again.

And yet his hands and lips know exactly what to do. He never once hesitates as his hand creep down my thigh and back up again.

I'm Never The One (A Vampire Diaries Gilbert Twins Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now