invasion (part one)

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"There is a very good chance that we both fail and we all die, you know that right?"


"Okay, just getting that part over with."

Anastazya sighed started doodling in the corner of Coulson'a battle strategy map. It was blank, because none of them were exactly expert strategists. They had the Executive Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, an Engineer, a Biochemist,  a female version of Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and a speedy, foreign asshole. They weren't in very good shape.

"Okay, Pietro. You worked in the facility for a little before you came to our side. Do you know where the Avengers, Maria, Sam, and James would be held?" Phil asked. Pietro sighed and glanced at Ana hesitantly.

"Yes. The same holding cell Anastazya was put it. It is located in the Northern corridor, last room on the left," He explained.

"Any idea of the security level in the facility?"

Pietro shrugged. "Not exactly sure of that. All I know is when Anastazya escaped, no alarms were set off, no droids went into action."

"Because you let me go," Ana grumbled, drawing a flower garden in the corner of the page. Pietro scoffed.

"Please. You stabbed me in chest with a million little icicles. I was immobile. And I did not like you as much then as I like you now," Pietro explained, giving Ana his stupid little smirk.

Phil let out a strangled squeal.

"Shut up, both of you," Ana grumbled. "We touch down in Sokovia in less than an hour and we have no plan. Focus."

Pietro grumbled something incoherent and Coulson just pouted. Ana began drawing the facility on the paper, from what she could remember. She drew the holding cell in the Northwestern corridor, and the window she escaped through, and the route she took towards Sokovia.

"I would suggest entering through the back window that I escaped through. I know we want their rescue to be some kind of valiant, elaborate invasion plan but I just want them all safe. I am willing to do this the lame way if you are, Pietro," Ana sighed. Pietro nodded eagerly, gnawing on his lower lip before speaking up again.

"I suggest, however that plan B is brute force. I like brute force."

Ana snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, whatever you want Maximoff."


"Ten minutes to touch down," Leo announced.

"I see the perimeter of the base, Coulson. It's surrounded by droids," Jemma stated. Pietro whooped.

"Plan B! Plan B! Plan B!"

Anastazya rolled her eyes. "Yay! More chance of me getting shot! Or killed! Yay!"

Pietro rolled his eyes. "And you say I am pessimistic."

Ana chuckled and combed her hair with her fingers, pulling it up into a ponytail and tying it with an elastic. Coulson, had a copy of Ana's supersuit made for her prior to him meeting with them. Her fingers traced over the silver Avengers seal on her chest. She was nervous, but she had never been more ready in her life to kick fucking ass.

Pietro had an entire new supersuit, if he ever wore one in the first place (mostly Adidas gear). It was similar to a track suit. The suit was a royal blue with silver accents. Pietro however, insisted on keeping his own shoes, claiming it took him a week to break in a pair. Over his heart, was the same silver seal Ana wore over hers. He grinned at it goofily.

Ana couldn't stop her hands from shaking. Whether it was from energy that was dying to get free, or fear she couldn't rid herself of. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Pietro grabbed her hand. He squeezed it tight.

"Anastazya-" He started, only to be cut off by Leo yelling.

"One minute to touch down! Get ready guys!"

Ana looked at Pietro curiously, wondering what he was trying to say. And why he had to told her hand to say it. She had to fight off the instinct in her head that told her to punch him in the face.

"Anastazya," He started again. "If you find yourself in trouble, or separated from me, just say my name, and I will be there in milliseconds. I do not want you to get hurt out there."

"I am not afraid of dying anymore Pietro, this is all about them. I want to save them. If something happens to me, promise you'll keep going until you find them and get them to safety," Ana told him.


"Just promise!" She snapped impatiently. Pietro squeezed her hand again.

"But you are my responsibility."

The corner's of Ana's lips tugged up into a smile. "And you are mine."

Pietro grinned only to be distracted when the doors in front of them opened.

"Go! Go! Go!" Coulson yelled at them. Ana and Pietro jumped out of the jet, and onto the snowy ground. They were only a hundred feet away from the facility, shrouded and surrounded by trees.

Before Pietro sped off to complete his part in the plan, he grinned at Ana.

"You know I'm still your babysitter, right?"

Before Ana could even open her mouth to answer him, he had disappeared, leaving a beautiful blue aura in his wake. She took a deep breath, shaking the doubt out of her head.

"What if I can't do it?" She thought, before chuckling to herself.

"Screw that," Ana muttered. "I'm a badass, damn it."

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