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Who is your favourite Marvel character and why?

I would honestly say Pietro and Wanda, if I truly thought they were Marvel characters, but I kind of don't. I will ALWAYS associate the both of them with X-Men. Furthermore, my favorite Marvel character will have to be classic Captain America. The way they portray him in the Avengers and his own movies are great, and similar enough to the comics and old cartoon. Though Tony fears that Steve may break a hip, I think told Capsicle is doing just fine.

M'kay, so what gave you the inspiration to write this story? If that's a bad question, I'm sorry because I suck at questions.

What gave you the inspiration for this entire story? I know every great writer has a thinking process and I'm curious about yours because whatever it is, it made such a wonderful story!

What gave you the idea for this crazily fantastic story? Is there going to be another Marvel story that could possibly crossover with this story?

The inspiration for this story is simple. Pietro. I was an avid watcher of X-Men Evolution in 2000, and I always though that Pietro/Peter/Quicksilver's character was very intriguing, especially his relationship with his sister. In AOU, Aaron Taylor-Johnson (one of my favorite actors) portrayed Pietro, which was a little emotionally overwhelming. When he died, I freaking died on the inside. You can't go through that kind of emotional turmoil and not be inspired by it! I wanted to write a version of this amazing story, impacted by a whole new original character. What would she bring to the characters and plot line? What would she change? For example, in the chapter True or False, the artificial body made by Doctor Helen Cho was destroyed by Ana and Pietro, which Vision! I thought it would be interesting to see how my character would impact things. And I'm still interested. She really is remarkable! And she really has made the story come to life. The plot line I planned, is completely changed because of the way my character is! Ana is truly amazing.

Will you consider writing a Steve/OC story? Like a spin off?

That would be hard because after writing this story all I see Steve as is a very attractive dad to Ana. Maybe a spin off that could connect with this story but I highly doubt it.

How the heck do you get the Avengers's personalities so perfect when you write? I can literally hear tony saying everything you write.

I'm really particular about trying to get characters personalities in fanfiction. I watch the show or movie or read the book repeatedly, observe mannerisms, and think how that character would react with my own original character. Also, the characters just seem to come to life, if you know what I mean. I usually write chapters in one sitting, and I don't think too much about dialogue. I just think of the plot of the chapter, and how it's going to help me achieve my initial plot. All the things I write just flow out of me. They've just come alive, you know?I feel like in Tony's personality is most accurate because him and I share personality types. Hope that makes sense!

So Mika, I've seen the other questions and I'd love to know which songs inspired you so much when writing the chapters?

When imagining this story I played three songs on repeat in a playlist.1. Intro by The XX2. Laura Palmer by Bastille3. Oblivion by Bastille

No idea why, they are just the epitome of bad ass and beautiful, and they remind me of Ana. I also listen to any Mumford and Sons songs and anything by Of Monsters and Men.

Hello! So, question first. Who do you identify most with in the Marvel universe/do you see any of Ana in yourself?

In the Marvel universe, I really do identify most with Tony. This huge big deal as a teenager, expected to do great things with what he has and the talents he has, and all he wants to do is have fun. He wants to party, he wants to buy stupid things, he wants to create. I live in a family where I am expected to be this perfect child, and I'm not. I just want to live life! I think I identify with his character the most in that sense.

Also, I don't see that much of Ana in me. I wish I did. Aside from the stubbornness and similar sense of humor, I am not like Ana in the sense of how she is willing to do anything for her friends and family. She is unapologetically courageous and brave and I could only dream to be like her. 

If Pietro did come back into the MCU would you prefer he'd come back in Civil War or Infinity War?

While in my head, the first thing says Infinity Wars. But, then after some thinking, I don't think that's the best time for Pietro to come back. It's way too crazy, WAY too dangerous. He'd probably die again, Thanos or one of the Guardians would kill him before he could even get a word out. I'm not into that.So I prefer Civil War. It would be much more interesting to see how he would persuade Wanda into maybe changing sides? Or if he would choose his own. Would it drive a wedge between the twins? And I would also love to see everyone's reactions to him coming back alive. Or my reaction you know, my tears. My screaming. My crying. Nothing too crucial.

Also, if he came back in Civil War, he would come back sooner. Another one of my many reasons for me wanting Pietro to come back in Captain America: Civil War.

Not sure if this was already asked and it's prob considered a spoiler but it couldn't hurt; do you plan on keeping the god awful event that happens to Pietro at the end of AoU in the plot line?On another note, this story is amazingly written and you capture every single character's personality so well, especially the twins. Every single chapter flows so well and the writing is beautifully eloquent. You have a beautiful talent for writing!

Thank you! And no, I do not want to do that. My whole purpose of writing this was to create a world that Pietro could live in, and experience Anastazya and other events that he couldn't when he was dead. But if he ever does die in this series, it will be in a beautifully dignified way. (Not like saving Clint and the stupid boy wasn't dignified, but I'd change it, if you know what I mean).

Hello! I'd just like to ask what gave you the inspiration to create Ana's character? Thank you!

When I started this story, I really wanted to write a character that's personality WOULD NOT mesh with Pietro's. I knew automatically, that I didn't want this to be like all the other fanfictions, and I didn't want them to fall in love in .1 seconds. That's ridiculous and unrealistic. There were a few songs, as well as the movie Anastasia that really inspired me to write Ana's character. Anya from the movie Anastasia is stubborn, tough, and can hold her own. But of course, she has emotions. She doubts herself. She's real. I wanted a relatable character and with Ana that's just what I got. I don't even think that much anymore when writing her character, it's like she's sitting in my mind saying everything for me. I've never known what authors meant when they say writing makes a character really come to life, but with Ana I finally understand.

Is anything really bad going to happen to Ana or Pietro?


OKAY WELL I GUESS I MUST ASK A QUESTION SO: is there flogging to be a sequel? (cause if there is, PIETRO CANNOT DIE, RIGHT?)

YES! There is a sequel, and it will be named "Supremacy". Be prepared for an original plot, new characters, and lots and lots of teen angst.

Thank you for all of your wonderful questions and comments! Expect an update really soon!

All the love,


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