Chapter 6/The other other girl

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A/N Sorry if this chapter was invisible before. Maybe the cyborgs and A.I.s are on to us....

Photo - Open Bionics examples of the Hero Arm prostentic 

20 seconds into the future /Slave Systems Inc/Factory 7:: Area formally known as Aspen Colorado

Cringingly embarrassed and unsteady in stiletto heels, I had walked straight into another girl, knocking her and her three-ring binder to the floor. There was me thinking this kind of klutzy girl runs into someone like a cruise missile on her first day was the kind of thing that only appeared in poorly scripted romantic comedies. Clearly, all I needed to be like Kristen Wiig is skyscraper shoes, and Jeff Koons set loose with a scalpel and silicon gun on my body. My collision target was a super model clone with a collar. The kind with BMI count of a dry twig but feels they should be trying harder. She had the sort of sickeningly cute face you both hated and envied.

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a rookie as far as all this slave to robots stuff goes. " I said floundering on the floor.

"Don't worry about it," said the other girl in a deep sexy voice.

"I'm Jenny, " I said smiling.

"I'm Joe, but you're supposed to call me 1327" said the other girl. I looked at Joe and realised that Joe's hips looked fake. Joe was tall somewhat slender and wore the same kind of shiny silicon outfit as I did but wore a tight pencil skirt over the silicon unitard. Joe's hair was like mine in the shape of a black bob with blunts. Despite all this, she was a he. I always thought I would be slightly cooler if I had met Jenna Talackova.

"It's my first day in high heels," I said.

"Mine too," said Joe. "They didn't feel as uncomfortable as I thought  they would."

"Do you need any help?" asked Kayla. She held out a gloved hand and helped me up.

"I'm Jenny; This is Kayla, Kayla this is Joe," I said.

"You're supposed to use your slave ID" said the Kayla "I'm 1066 easy to remember" then she leaned over to Joe and whispered, "I used to be Kayla."

"I used to be Joe. I'm, I'm trying to find my way to dorm cage 56" said Joe.

"Her to. Come with us, I'm taking ..Jenny.. there already," said Kayla.

"So, Joe, you look even less comfortable in these clothes than I do," I said.

"Yes, I think I'm some kind of data error. I think they got my gender wrong on the database, I had a ponytail when I arrived but you think the beard would have given them a clue" explained Joe.

"So you're you know, eer straight? Not that I mind or anything I don't judge people, you know, your kind. I'm cool I mean I like the Black Veil Brides. I suppose you lot are used to this but I've never met one of your kind before. " I said digging a bigger hole for myself.

"You haven't met one now; I'm straight as an arrow. I've asked them to fix it, and they said they would look into it. They said I would have to go along with things for the moment. Most of the training is the same, they said. I'm like Mulan in reverse" said Joe a little shyly.

"Yes, you get overlord data screw-ups all over the place. I met someone that the dressing machine kept printing two left shoes. Boy, Girl screw ups happen all the time, both ways. One girl came out surgery with four breasts for some reason poor thing, took ages to sort that out. The collars sometimes have problems too. One man's collar electrocuted him for using personal pronouns like me or I. So he kept going around saying things like "This slave would like a drink". said, Kayla.

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