Chapter 59/Him/Cinder burn

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A/N Picture: Pretty in Pink ( well black) :Andy Biersack from the Black Veil Brides Some might call him good looking, some might want to pull that lip ring out with their teeth to see if he makes a hissing noise like a coke can. Just saying. See Kayla and Joe conversation below.

Video: Just to show it's all current technology we land a robot the weight of a car on Mars Jenny can base jump down too. Think of it as jumping off on to one of huge jump bags stunt men use, but you're wrapped in the bag.

A/N Welcome to our 100,000 reads celebration chapter! One hundred thousand reads!!! Can you believe it- First chapter was 14th August! 80 reads and #375 in Scifi and now we are #1 too! ( Don't worry Expiration Date will be back at #1 soon but it's nice while we celebrate). We thank you for each and every read. We didn't put Cyborg's pet here, You did. We take this moment to thank you again. We watch each and every vote and read just as avidly as we did back when 10 new reads was a good day. On Monday the 26th we got a record 500 new readers in one day alone which is mind crushingly fantastic.

To celebrate we are releasing a chapter early, ok so the placement algorithm will slap our hands and it's not good WP practice but when did we follow the rules properly? (Answer Never)

21 seconds into the future: NMO date: 0003.1415

Planet 01/Region 01/Washington 2.0/Rockwood Hall

"So what happened then ?" said Kayla over lunch a couple of days after the breeding party after my nerves had calmed down. I tucked into a nice Pumpkin, chickpea & coconut curry in the cafeteria aka 'slave trough area #1' in a quite remote booth with Kayla.

"He turned into a huge white round balloon. Then everything around me was white. I realized the harness had inflated like a bunch of massive airbags around me. I was falling like a huge Michelin man, Wrapped in a bunch of massive balloons. I felt the balloon bounce off a building or walkway or something. I heard him screaming in delight, he was enjoying himself. I tensed up and then hit the ground then launched up again like I was on a huge trampoline. I landed in several bounces like the Mars Exploration Rover".

"Wow," said Kayla, nibbling on her smoky veggie feijoada.

"Eventually, I stopped bouncing and the whole thing deflated. I was crawling on the ground so dizzy I thought someone had put me into the washing machine on spin cycle. Then I look up and there was an explosion. He told me later that there was a biological cold store which was being auto-destructed."

Rockwood had told me that was the Senator destroying the evidence or rather the police destroying the evidence for her. Surprisingly none of the cities leaders had been arrested.

"What did you say to him after he pushed from a tall building to your near death?" Prompted Kayla fishing for one of my signature insults. The orange glow from my emotion earring light Kayla's face.

"Again again!" I said.

"What did he say?" said Kayla.

"Nothing he kissed me,"

"oh what was it like?" said Kayla.

"Parmesan Vomity - I was so dizzy I started to throw up," I said.

"That's so romantic," said Kayla.

"He was ok about it. We got into a ground car he had waiting. The place was crawling with police"

"bad girl, " said Kayla neutrally. What was he like when he got back?" said Kayla.

"Well, he was like the cat with the cream. He said if I wanted a game he would upload one. So he did this one involves me being tied down. It's a bit like one of those Simon says games except he has to stroke or touch a different part of my body in the right order. The collar detects which part of me is being touched then he gets points according to how accurately he hit the right body part"

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