WP Extras/Deleted Scenes 11/Life and Rest in the Factory

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Picture - Typcial Machine food after the AI. Apocalypse.

A/N This isn't part of the book. It's an extra specially for wattpad our readers. 

A/N Some times when your writing a book you like to set you scene. On review this is weak chapter which doesn't add much. It only had one good joke and more 'texture' of slave life. It's been scheduled for demolition and no one has complained. 

Formally chapter 11. 

I took Joe to lie down in the dorms  to recover. After that we had a hour to eat what was called dinner then go to bed. Kayla joined us and I told her what had happened.

Joe looked down on the plate.

"Yes Araneae is 'strict'" she said miming $hit. It was easy to forget you were under constant surveillance by a system the slaves called Prism. There were even camera's in our collars so we could survey each other and our selves. I mentally knew the collars were constantly sending back information about everything we did but it slipped your mind.

"Are all the A.I's like him?" I asked. I had never spoken to one before just ran from them.

"The smarter they are the more 'care' but then you get to an AI with an IQ over 800 then they are so smart you don't even know your being insulted. "

"What is this white $hit on my plate" Joe said looking down on a portion of cottage cheese.

"Try it" Kayla said.

Joe sniffed it then getting his spork out tried a spoonful.

"This stuff is disgusting. It's like eating your own puke. Those robot machines are really cr@apping on us with this so called food."

Kayla and I laughed and Joe didn't get the joke.

"welcome to our world" I said then looked at Kayla.

"Is all the food this healthy?" I asked.

"Healthy and mostly meat free. I haven't seen a pizza in 3 months" said Kayla.

"but this spinach is fresh. If we are on substance rations what are they doing getting hold of fresh spinach?"

Kayla didn't have an answer. Non of this made sense.

After dinner we time I had to look around the e-slave's quarters. This was basically the dormitory area with a huge locked door they called the slave cage.. It was one of 40 or so and held about 50 e-slaves each. I found one room with a TV set which seemed to show one channel running soap operas, sitcoms and game shows. I lingered for while. Unfortunately the soap operas and sit coms were about a group of e-slaves and the kinds of things they got up to. The only difference being was that the sitcoms had more jokes and the slaves stupider. The game show showing equally shiny contestants answering questions such as 'for 5 points what is the correct way to refer to your mechanical overlord?' '12-20 what does your master like in his mornings?'

I hovered a little but the slave cages was live with people trying to trick each other in to saying words related to escape. I found a small quite library full of what looked like fiction and short of something todo I had a look. It mostly seemed to be more books about slaves doing there utmost for their masters. At least Judith McNaught still had a job. Bored I sat down and read the five page terms and conditions of my use.

Eventually I was tired and so after reading walked out and pressed the button on my collar.

"Cortona where do I sleep?" I asked.

"You cannot sleep until you have prepared your self for the night<beep>"

"Cortona how do I do that?"

"Go to alcove 5f and standing in the dressing station<beep>"

I resisted the temptation to ask Cortona how to get to the alcove 5f. I felt like exploring. I finally found my way to the alcove. In it I found Kayla and Joe in the bunk.

"I thought you were trying to get into the boys cages ?" I asked Joe.

"I tried" said Joe despondently "this collar wouldn't let me in the men's one"

"shlt those machines hate you" said Kayla.

I stood in the wardrobe like the one that had dressed me in the morning. It came over me again and when it came off I was dressed in what could only be called loops of shiny material over my essentials.

"What next?" I asked.

"climb into bunk 441C<beep>"

I got into bed but I refused to attach the collar. Like a car seat belt sign a red light blinking light came on over my bed 

"Attach the collar<beep>" my collar told me with an reminder shock which felt like someone stabbing you with a hot needle. I couldn't even cry out as my collar muted me. I remembered the low power warning the nurse game me and after fiddling the collar in it clicked.

"Chargeing<beep>" it said. I tugged the cable it was a bit like one of those laptop locks you used to get, small but not going any were.

A flexible sheet came down on me. At this point I was trapped in the bed.

"Do not play with or damage property of the eSlave Training Inc. Remember rule 3 goodnight<beep>" my collar said. I heard the sounds of sea on a beach and stone tired dropped off. 


Author(s) note:

Please forgive the spelling/grammer - we are following the #JustWriteIt method. It will be fixed soon.

Thanks to everyone who voted you made us #153 in Science Fiction!!! Possibly the highest a book as got with less than 300 reads! The books before this one (Venomous #152) has 631,1000 reads! the one behind has (Year 6) 10,200 reads, GO you!

Thanks to everyone who put us in their reading list too - 

Re-reading this ther is only one good joke - does this feel like padding to you? Should we get rid of it? 

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