Chapter 73/Him/The incident with the sentinel or things can only get better

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A/N What can we say - That question get's answered here. Happy Christmas to everyone who does that kind of thing, we like to think of this as our early Christmas present to you. 

Video:Mood music for the chapter

Also Thanks to @rosebud0105 for suggesting Cyborg's pet for Katy Dreams Wattpads Best Romance Books 2 

Join us next week for the beginning of part 3 - Resistance.

The fireworks created an occasional flashed which illuminated the boat house ahead. In the boat house was an extraction team, and my freedom. Could any word taste so sweet? I felt like I was on the 30 yard line, running with the ball for a touchdown. Behind me was a load of grief,  pain and doubt trailing like tin cans to a car with a just married sign on it. I had promised my self I would take the first chance to escape, this was it. It felt wrong, that was just the slave in me. 'She's on the 20 yard line' I thought. If I ran any faster these 'wings' would make me lift off.

I turned a corner. Behind a box hedge lay a white robot sentinel. The white cylindrical top and the fist sized barrel turned to point of me. I knew these were semi-sentient robot gun turrets left to guard places and act as smart road blocks. This was guarding the outer permiter. 

"HALT SLAVE. STAND AND BE RECOGNISED" the machine shouted.

I ran past it. I knew the sentinel machines, it couldn't move. If I was fast I could out run it beofre it shot.

"I am on urgent business for my master" I shouted to confuse it. I also started to weave left and right to make it harder to target me. There was a wide field of fire behind the box hedge. I could see the path and the boathouse ahead.

"HALT SLAVE OR YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED" the robot sentinel said.

I guessed it was lying, the Wi-Fi signal was still good here and my collars self destruct geofence haven't given me any warnings.

'Live like a slave, disassociate my self from my self for a  cybopath of a lord. This couldn't happen. Live free or die, live free or die'. I told my self. I was still crying. I felt my heart was on a piece of elastic getting tighter and tighter. I didn't need a smart red carpet to draw a line showing me who it was attached to.

Suddenly a shot rang out. It hit me like and express train. I was thrown forwards by the force of the blow. I fell onto the ground and then felt this massive weight on top of me. I was dazed for second and tried to rollover at this point I realised that it was Rockwood who had tackled me to the ground. For a second I felt he was incredibly warm, then he slipped slightly. I looked down to see a huge red stain expanding over his chest.

"Oh $hit" he said putting his hand to his chest.

I knew that terror in a man's eyes. It's the moment he knows his wound is fatal. I had seen it in California.

"Keep your head down it was trying to hit you" Rockwood said. The robot kept shooting at us. I covered us, my wings folded around us.

"You tried to save me?" I said mostly in shock.

"How could I let anything harm you?" he said.

"But I'm your slave" I said

"60 seconds to midnight.<zing>" my collar said.

I could drag myself away from him, use him as cover and get round the next box hedge and get to the boat house. If I left him to bleed to death, that is. The sentinel turned around and started to shoot at the guests who were approaching. Between the fireworks and the shooting, it was hard to tell what was going on. I had my own crisis to deal with.

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