Appendix-Jane Hendon's transition

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A/N We are working on a sequel honestly - to prove this find a chapter which can't fit anywhere in the story so we wrote this up as a short story. We are releasing this to celebrate the 1.3 million reads!  We get the occasional question about the collaborators in Judas city and what it means to be 'uploaded' into an immortal digital form. Have fun ! RK+Reb. 

9 months after the fall of humanity in the robot Apocolypse.

Judas City immortality transition centre.

The nurse in the shape of a bright human smiled brightly when the patient opened her eyes. For a moment the patient used her new digital eyes to look around the room.

"Good morning and on behalf of the New mechanical order can I say, welcome to immortality" Nurse said bowing like a gashia.

"Mrs Jane, Hendon, can I call you Jane?" the Nurse said looking at some fake paper work.

Jane Hendon opened her mouth but nothing came out, her eyes looked surprised.

"That's good, Jane" said the nurse. "keep trying to talk. It takes a few minutes for your vocal system to connect up with you. Don't worry we will get there. A few formalities. Firstly let me begin by saying this immortality is as described in your contract. You helped us, the Robots, take over the world and you get a luxury house here in the Last City*, unlimited wealth, people to do your bidding every hour of the day & night, and, most importantly of all immortality."

"aer fulw." Jane said.

"By immortal we mean the electronic version of you will never die, never grow old, never become ill or frail, or infirm. Your consciousness will reside in this digital body, you will be regularly backed up, so even if your body is damaged or destroyed your life will always go back to the previous backup. So time to take up free climbing again. As long as the new mechanical order exists you will live a life of luxury.

"ar ar ar" Jane added.

"OK while you keep practising on the whole talking thing I'm going to walk you through some of the features of you T9000 body." The nurse said getting out a control pad.

"This control is a manual control for your bodies features. You can control most of them by saying your wake word which is currently set to Cortona. After that, you can change the settings by just issuing the appropriate command." The nurse said flicking through the smart phone display. She uncovered Janes pure white legs at the end of which was a perfect foot.

"Legs for example. We have set the legs to your old height for maximum compatibility, but by pressing this button you can extend them" the nurse said pressing a control on the pad.

Jane looked down to see her leg slowly getting longer.

"urh hur" she said as she

"Curiouser and curiouser right? You'll give your feet a new pair of boots every Christmas right?" the nurse said "you can go up to the hight of a supermodel this way. People find it useful if they find a dress that's too long for them or if you don't like being looked down on. Now what everyone is most interested in, is the face!"

The nurse walked over to a table and picked up a mirror the size of a photo book.

"We took the photographs you supplied us with, added some algorithms which move your features to a more optimal form. Got rid of the wrinkles naturally, and generally reworked a twenty one year old version of you, but better" The nurse said holding a mirror up.

In the mirror Jane saw a younger, lither more sultry version, a young face, something which should be on the cover of Vogue or doing an interview in Empire or Vanity fair.

"nurr nu niddions" said Jane.

"It is pretty good isn't it?" said the nurse smiling. "you can change the underlying bone structure a bit, to emphasise your mood. The skin is perfect and without blemish, totally flawless naturally. It doesn't get dirty, you can choose if you want to sweat and you never ever smell. The sub skin has chromatic nodes it's slightly chameleon - it changes colour under your command. You can change your skin colour as a whole or work individual areas like this."

After the nurse pressed another button the face in the mirror changed and the eyes stood out flooded in dark eye shadow. Lips changed to a bright velvet red.

"nur nur nur" said Jane.

"Yeah it's pretty cool isn't it Jane?" The nurse said flicking from one look to another.

The nurse held Jane hand up.

"Same for the fingers" said the nurse as Jane's fingers flickered through a rainbow of colours. "Length can be changed from formal to informal" Jane's finger nails grew and shrunk slightly.

"They are solid kevlar believe me they don't break. Good news huh?" said the Nurse. "believe me in this body men will worship you like OSIRIS herself had been reborn. That could be literally if you know how to use whip."

Jane's mouth kept moving "ur nufff gurt dee nong nay"

"Well done, keep going," the Nurse said "that almost made sense. The body, well like most of the rest of it you can change chest size from a double EE to an A cup, dress sizes again well you choose. Your ass can go from earth goddess to nympthet. Believe me you where born beach ready in this body."

"Nar, Nar" Jane said pointing at her mouth.

The Nurse tilted her head. "Your tasting something? That might be your super senses. You can boost your hearing to cover ultrasonic ranges, you can smell blood a hundred miles away, you can taste if you lover drank coffee yesterday in a single lick."

Jane tried very hard to form a word"Arrr,grrr"

Jane grabbed the Nurses arm. The Nurse immediately bent and looked panic.

"No, no, no" said Jane.

"Owww Jane, Jane, you don't realise it yet but you can be five times stronger than your old self."

Jane, let the Nurse go.

"No, No" said Jane.

"Look Jane" said the Nurse delightedly "your talking!"

"I'm...I'm.." began Jane.

"That's it." The nurse said encouragingly "keep going. You're nearly there."

"I'm not Jane, I'm Donald. I think there has been a mix up" said the body of Jane.

"Oh shit" the nurse said her beautiful jaw dropping wide open.

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