Chapter 92/Resistance/The weather channel never answers my calls

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A/N Another  cool chapter as part of our @SciKick freak the walls down campaign.  

This chapter is unsuitable for vegetarians. 

We rushed to the battlements to look down. The zombies who had been sitting down were getting up. They seemed to be massing and moving towards us. They started saying something. I listened closely.

"Ack, Ack, Ack" I think they kept repeating.

"Are they saying 'Ack'" I asked Loop.

Loop nodded.

"I'ts better than gurrrrrr, I guess" I said

I took the megaphone again.

"This would be a great time to get the world record for the largest flash mob performance of Michael Jackson's Thriller" I shouted to the cyber Zombies over the megaphone.

They continued to move forward "Ack, Ack, Ack".

"Wow you are a hard audience you know that?" I shouted.

"Ten seconds to range" Loop shouted. He came up and half hugged me in reassurance. Everyone with a gun or bow got ready.

"Private Wellington Wolf give that girl a weapon," said Rodi to the werewolf marine next to me.

Private Wellington Wolf handed me a compound bow.  It was the only spare weapon left. I found an open space between Rodi and Loop

I went to the wall "Ack, Ack, Ack" the cyber Zombies kept saying.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." I shouted to the Zombies then turned to Rodi. "Parc - light them up."

"Take aim" shouted Rodi to everyone on the wall.

I looked out at the ocean of cyber animals beyond. they I felt like a huge weird cyber-Noah.

"Look there is even an cyber elephant" said Kayla.

"Guess they couldn't fit a cyber whale on an Ospray" I said.

"Waaaaaaaaait" said Rodi looking at the range. They were getting really close. 

"Wait" said Rodi. We could feel the ground tremor under the feet of all the cyber zombies.

The chorus of "Ack, Ack, Ack" got louder.

"If your going to say wait until you can see the whites of there eyes I'm going to point out most animals don't have whites in their eyes" said Joe.

"If only one of those get's through we have lost the wall. Make it count Ready" shouted Rodi. I felt sick.

The zombies hit the range marker.

"Fire" shouted Rodi.

We opened with a volley. I sent an arrow from my compound bow. The Zombies were at my maximum range so I wasn't sure I could hit anything I aimed at. I watched my arrow arc into the sky like a missile. I think it hit something, a sheep I think. Joe and Kayla were using their guns to rapidly hit a hideous number at quite a range. It wasn't good enough. Even when someone hit a land mine and it detonated the spacing was such that the mines didn't go critical. My next arrow hit a cyber bull, but they just kept walking.

"Hey that's nice of him. He's bringing the arrow back" I said.

Then I spotted an RV moving across the field. It looked like who ever brewed the Oblivion had survived and was now making a break for it during the mess of battle. It was being followed by some Oblivion zoned out slaves.

"I've got to talk to you," said Loop while shooting.

"Little busy now" I said releasing another arrow. The RV was moving.

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