Chapter 69/Him/Tiffany's and the New Huggy Friendpire

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A/N Photo - meet your new huggy overlord. 

A/N Good thanksgiving ? Hope so. Things are improving for Bro I'm getting back into the swing of things. Thanks for not going over the top on the 'where is the next chapter stuff',  Reb. You'll notice we are very very close to the one quarter of a million votes mark. All the best to Steve and all the other Wattys winners ( not that we are jealous or anything ) some nice bits of work RK. Would also like to thank Jenny Brown and Lucy Juckes from Jenny Brown Associates Literary Agency for being so nice about the book and The Scottish book trust for organising the  Pitch your Book day. 

Back of Rockwood's autonomous car/Streets of /Washington 2.0/

Jenny's POV

Rockwood looked at me blankly in the autonomous car we took to the Mall of Humanity.

"Rockwood! Rockwood" I said "we're nearly there."

Rockwood came to like he had woken up. He had been staring into space for five minutes.

"What are you working on that so important you have to work in the car? We passed the ruin's of General Bitsmarck's house and you didn't want to stop and wave or anything" I asked. The ruin's hadn't been as fun as I had hoped, tiny robots about the size of my hand, had were picking up rubble like ants and marching it away. I smiled while I watched a bit of Osprey tail disappearing into the distance.

"I'll tell you but back to being #160A when we get out." said Rockwood.

"Meow," I said.OK I'm taking this whole pet thing to far. 

"The new mechanical order has just decided it needs to look into rebranding" announced Rockwood.


"Yeah instead of being the new mechanical order we could be the New Huggy Empire." he started " Instead of slaves we have helpers. Instead of subjugating places we 'merge proactively for brighter a happier future of togetherness'."

"The humans still wear collars?" I asked. 

"If you mean helpers still wear safety gear for their security and protection? Yes" he said.

"Does this safety gear go around your neck and you can't take it off?" I asked.


"Does it still make me feel like I'm eating live eel if I do something I'm not supposed to?" I said.

"Well if by that you mean by that does your safety gear still engaging positivist learning theories with close loop behavioural reinforcement then yes."

"Am I still owned?" I asked.

"Do you mean are you in a chain of responsibility and mentorship leading up to the CPU it's self. then yes" he said.

"Under the new Huggy Empire could I go home? Could I be free" I said tilting my head.

"Well under the new Huggy Empire it would be about rights and responsibilities. You have the right to do what you're told and so have the responsibility to obey sorry 'groove with' your robot mentor. and there is no word for free. Slavery would be redefined as free with responsibilities and what you call free would be state of extreme sulky non-helpfulness. " Rockwood waved his head. "And you could elect to enter a state of extreme sulky non helpfulness. " he said and saw my eyes light up " with a few hurdles to stop mass panic migration things like you would face what they would call a mandatory 'exit' interview in the 'personal reflection space' formally known as a  KCK torture machine,  unless you decided to remain with your current mentor."

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