Chapter 56/Him/Upgrade

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A/N OK we've noticed a number of people skipping this chapter, which is a shame because it's quite funny too. To be honest, it's one of those 'I don't know what the fuss is about things'. 

It was just after my mid-morning nap when my collar told me to kneel for my robot masters. In a panic, I was just getting to my knees when the doors opened. At that moment I thought it was the apocalypse all over again. A pair Blue and Red general slave control robots blocked the door. They looked like a mixture of a crab and gorilla and a flamingo ( well at least the legs bent backwards not that they were pink or anything). Each stood about 2.5meters ( sorry 8 feet d*m those machines ) tall. The robot designer had obviously brainstormed the words 'nasty' , 'all-terrain' and 'doesn't like to dance' it mind when sketching the initial design.

"We are to take you to your upgrade," said the first blue robot.

"Upgrade? - What you think I could do with another spare pair of arms or something ?' I thought. I definitely didn't like the sound of this.

"Boys!" I started then got a pain shock "respected robot masters." I continued. "there has been some kind of mistake." before I could do anything the machine lifted a crab claw past my arm and my infernal wrist manacle stuck to it like gloom to an emo girl. I scuttled along after the robot (I was in five-inch stilettos that day I must have left my hiking boots at home somehow) and eventually I was dragged into a room in the deeper windowless slave habitation area.

Rockwood was standing there while I was dragged into a very unpleasant looking dentist chair. My manacles stuck magnetically to it and my shoes also magnetised to the footrests.

"Thank you, Huey and Duey," said Rockwood as they left.

"What's going on ?" I said, as a very unpleasant robot arm orbited me from above.

"I've decided to upgrade you," said Rockwood.

"WHAT!!! Enough of the Hentai-land experience," I said, "let me go!".

"I thought we had established how the whole master-slave relationship works. Hold still," said Rockwood.

The robot arm came down and executed a circle around my abdomen. There was a laser beam coming out it cut into my silicon catsuit without burning me.

It cut a disc of silicon about the size of a plate around my stomach.


"Remember that piercing you always thought about ?" he said. 

"No," I said. OK, I lied. OK I had done a bunch of sketches. That was ages ago. 

"Yes, you do. Here we go" said Rockwood.

"You're confusing me with someone else! Someone who has the ambition to resemble swiss cheese. I don't what to get a piercing! Please... master.." I said.

"Nonsense since when did you get a say in anything? Anyway, all my pets get upgraded," he said.

"I thought I was your first one?" I said.

"You are, but the good news is I'm starting my traditions now, with you as it happens," said Rockwood. He put his hand into my hand and a red button on a wire in the other.

"Feel free to hold as tightly as you like," he said. I did, my idea was to transfer as much of my pain into him I squeezed hard. Sadistic gum bag didn't notice it.

"Press the red button to begin," he said.

"NO!" I said realising the red button basically pressed go on the robot arm.

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