Chapter 64/Him/Lady Zola

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A/N Hi everyone. Good news and bad news. The good news is a new chapter of pet. More good news is thanks to a number on wonderful grammar and spelling fairies ( ok nice readers) we will upgrade the first 4 chapters to book quality reading! No this isn't a cheap excuse get you to go back and read the first chapter again.

More good news - feel that you want your cyborg's pet a little pumped up? More pulp fiction less down with love? Well we are very proud to announce the first cyborg's pet fan fiction. Run don't walk to KGB1701 's wonderful work!

Okay now the bad news. Reb's brother has been rushed to hospital for a scan. Reb and family are a bit freaked out and Reb hanging out in the waiting area isn't in her usual frame of mind for petting. Fear not we do have a small queue of chapters. To make them last and keep the pressure off Reb I am moving to once a week publication until Reb can hack text again . I (RK) am sure you don't mind and will bear with us. I hope it won't be long but I didn't want to suddenly stop or put up incomplete chapters. Soon as Reb feels ok to write we will turn tap on . Life happens and makes us better people for it.

Masters bed/Room 404/Rockwood Hall/Washington 2.0/Region 01. Area formally known as Nebraska.

23 seconds into the future.

Jenny's POV.

It was about 9:00 in the morning about five days later. I was chilling in his arms while he was 'recovering' in bed. While I had to be careful not to touch anything bandaged I was starting to feel less like I was sleeping with the enemy. It was getting harder to get to, what I had decided was my expected level of vitriol into my conversation. I told him I was going easy while he was recovering. In practice I was starting to think I had misjudged him. I mean I remembered the time he had made the Judas City security guy apologise to me. I was now in a heart vs head vs need for survival situation. Head and need for survival had decided this could be a trick. Heart was taking the minority opinion he was somehow magically OK and heart wasn't talking to the others. I was wondering about this when the doors to his room flung apart.

Striding boldly past #DEC and #6502 was someone tall thin and incredibly beautiful, she marched gracefully in her high heels, in her right hand was an electronic cigarette held high. Her, tiny hat, perfectly manicured hair and the only a tiny hint of any makeup suggested that she was an owner. Then I noticed her violet coloured eyes. She was a cyborg.

"Commander Lady Zolaria Slaughterhouse former NMO military now director of Human studies institute<zing>" said my collar.

"Brooklyn, wake up. You are by far the laziest man I've ever met" she said coming in.

Rockwood turned over.

"In case you haven't heard I was injured in a plane crash, I lost my legs" said Rockwood sitting up in bed. My collar cable started to retract and I was pulled towards the footlocker bed I called home.

'Message from master Into your bed<zing>' said my collar.

She ignored me and sat on his bed. From the comfort of my footlocker bed I could see the hint of a zip meant that the bitch's clothes were not printed and could come off. I envied and loathed anyone who could just get out of their clothes when they wanted to. The back of her outfit was gossip thin muslin you could see the LEDs blinking in a rancorous way up and down her spine. I noticed a tiny designer label 'Mr Jones' on her dress. I guess they still needed people to do the creative stuff I reminded my self.

"Well aren't you the brave hero? Douglas Bader would be proud of you. Your needed new legs ages ago, your old ones were getting shabby " she pulled back the sheets "see these new ones look much better!"

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