Chapter 52/Him/Mummy Vada

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A/N this is part of our 50K reads celebration special chapter. 50K - Really can you believe it. Plus we got to #2! Join the party!

Picture: Romantic image of Jenny in the mornings. Video in case you want to know what Jenny is singing in her fight with pixel.

Washington 2.0/Rockwood Hall/Room 404

Jenny's POV

Of all the things CalTech had done to prepare me for my actual career under our robot overlords the fact that I could sleep in for the morning was the only one I found useful. Who says higher education doesn't prepare you for real life? I was even prepared for life under robot rule.

For the next few days, my night time tended to begin with being chained to my bed then being dragged from my bed up into his bed in the middle of the night. Then he would literally sleep with me, except I didn't get to sleep with him. The first time he didn't thingy me I just lay there petrified in his arms. His every touch of my skin was electric and I was too freaked out by the whole affair to actually be able to sleep. If he rolled over I would get this mini light display as the LED's down his spine would blink on and off. It was like sleeping with Times square in my bed. I tried to use his long hair to cover up as much of the blinking as possible, but he would then move. All the tiny lights did was show up his perfect muscular back and broad shoulders or worse still highlight the complex tattoo he had on his left side and left arm.

It looked vaguely Celtic but up close was a tiny fractal pattern. He claimed it was cyborg writing. For the first two nights I had gone mad thinking the pattern had changed. I spent the entire next day wondering if I was 'sleeping' with the same guy or if he had an army of more progressively evil twins. It turns out the tattoo was made of the same kind of stuff you get in a black and white Kindle. So it could on a whim be recut. He had the pain of a block tattoo while the 'microbeads' but once in he could change them ( although apparently it hurt when he did). I asked him what the patterns meant or represented. He told me it was an A.I language but the writing was mostly his shopping list.To which I had said 'you had forgotten the carrots'.

Quite often #DEC would clamp my wrists to the bed above my head which would make sleeping impossible ( honestly you try it). At bedtime #6502 would hustle me into the clothes printer and I would come out in a night catsuit which if I was lucky had a back and if I was unlucky had a nearly bare back in case he wanted to 'thingy' me again. Frequently I would come out of the printer blind-folded, while you would think that would block out the light from the LEDs on his spine. It only blurred them but left me not knowing what as happening which made sleeping difficult. I spent the entire night not knowing what was going on around me just feeling him next to me touching.

Sometimes he would spoon me and hold hands. I felt like I was his huge breathing security blanket. Then feeling like I was surrounded by him, I might drift off until he moved. It took me a few days to realise he meant the whole 'no sex with pets' thing which kept me on edge in case it was some elaborate cyborg joke.

Then if I did somehow manage to go to sleep I would be woken up in the early near dawn hours by the bedroom slaves who bundled me into the clothes printer to be cleaned and re-dressed ready for him to wake up with in the morning. If he was using me as a flesh bolster then they had a portable makeup printer because god forbid he wakes up with the woman he's been sleeping with all night looking anything less than perfect. It's not like this stuff really came off. I'd been trying to rub it off onto the white sheets so I could write the words 'die you misogynistic scum' in it but this slave stuff didn't really come off. Plus he told me the robots put caffeine in the makeup to make it addictive which probably explained why, after I was left by the slaves, I was wide awake and really craving a double espresso macchiato.

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