Chapter 74/Resistance/In her arms the waters of Lethe never tasted so good

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A/N We have had a lot of requests for another Rockwood POV ( minus the binary thinking) Photo: Susan/Gigantica 

Happy New Year (RK+Reb)

/Room 404/Rockwood Hall/Washington 2.0 ( Area formally known as Nabraska )

Rockwoods POV. 

She woke up in my arms.

"Tish, I feel crap" she said.

"You feel crap? Try having a hole in you" I said weakly.

She shuddered awake. She had woken up in my arms. We were lying there, naked under the sheets just next to me. She looked at my body.

"But you're completely intact there isn't even sign the scar or anything. Parc how long have I been out?" she looked down at herself. "And why am I  covered an exotic unitard, which looks like it's been stolen from Susan/Gigantica in Monsters versus aliens?" She started to touch her face. "How long have I bee out ? A month? Oh I get you have you operated on me again. Did do you machine people go all Kim Novak in Vertigo on us " she asked? searching herself for changes " Say you gave me my old nose back, this one is far to button nose cute? I know did you give me my acne back. Is my mole back -please please say you did. "

"Hang on," I said.

I was watching Eternal City News Network television. The far wall was converted into a huge cinema picture. I waved my hand and the volume when up.

"In other news today. 60 Cent emerges from his transition operation and shows off his new eternal android body" said the News Anchor woman who looked about 20 but who's name tag was Barbara Walters. The picture changed to some high tech hospital. The image was of some blonde white near super model chiquita. Low key make-up, clearly a collaborator.

"So 60 how is the new body?" said an off-screen voice.

"Fine just fine. I feel amazing" said 60 cent.

"So 60 cent any message to your fans out there?" asked an off screen reporter.

"I just want to say.. Each passing day brings changes within you. You must not be afraid to express these evolutions. The powerful learn early in life that they have the freedom to mould their image, fitting the needs and moods of the moment. In this way, they keep others off balance and maintain an air of mystery. You must follow this path and find great pleasure in reinventing yourself, as if you were the author writing your own drama" said the sultry-voiced 60 cent shown off her pink off the shoulder daisy dress.

"60 cent wanted to be in a white girl's body who would have thought it" she said. I missed counting up the number of missed masters.

I waved my hand and muted. It wasn't the news item I was waiting for.

"I don't know what you're talking about. They just dressed you for bed when you were dizzy from giving blood yesterday." I said.

"But you're all better" she pointed out "I must have been out for months. If you weren't doing surgery on me what then? You wouldn't just freeze your girlfriend because you were busy in hospital?" she asked. She checked her chest "and I still have the same cantaloupe's the machines slammed me with, mangos I could go with, so what's up?."

She was so cute when she was disappointed.

"I'm actually lying in the hospital, I'm in the intensive care unit being kept alive until I'm strong enough to have a new pancreas installed. I'm cybernetically controlling this android body remotely from my cybernetic mind. Think of it as Skype body from the hospital." I told her. I could hear the sounds of the medical equipment keeping me alive around the real me. My android body was back in room 404. I realised, I felt I was, where ever she was. 

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