The Taken Idea: Damn, dude used my idea first!

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Don't you just hate it when you have just come up with a brilliant idea for a book and to you it seems like the best idea you have had in ages. So you begin to write the story.

Before you manage to upload it you find that someone allready has your awesome title. Or even moor annoying, you have a bit of the same story line as another book, say you have robots that fight against the world and another bok has the same etc, etc.

Then you dont want to upload scared that other book writer will think you have copid them. So your sat there thinking, shall I just upload or do I change the story line or just completly scrap that idea and dont publish the wounderful book.

It has happend to me plenty of times. I have just thought of a book and another book has a little part of the book and it is technicaly about the same thing. Very different in wayse but a couple of parts are alike, Unfortunatly.

I am still writing the book though and I haven't even published it as I havent finished another book, I think it is a good story line then I click the I'm feeling random and read a couple of the books then a book comes up and it is like mine and I think NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

Has this ever happened to ayone ells???? I hope im not the only one:))))

Rant Courtesy of LushMush

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