The Movie Always Ruin It

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This rant is for all of my fellow Avatar: The Last Airbender fans. Okay, so I want to talk about the movie. If you’ve seen it, whether you’ve watched the animated series or not, you know that it sucked. If you haven’t seen it, you don’t know how lucky you are.

Anyway, I think, and this is just my opinion, M. Night shamallamadingdong murdered it. He threw up on it, pissed on it, stabbed it with a knife viciously, and afterwards burned the remains. Yeah, I know I’m being a bit dramatic but that’s what it felt like to me. I’ll explain my reasons why (It’s been awhile since I’ve actually seen the movie so I’m just going by memory)

1. Aang: His name is pronounced Aang not Ong. - The actor who played him wasn’t that great to me

2. Katara: Katara is NATIVE AMERICAN not Caucasian. That really pissed me off. He got all of the races wrong. - Her was all wrong! Her was like that for season three yeah sure but that was a movie for book 1.

3. Sokka: Again, Sokka is NATIVE AMERICAN. - His name is pronounced Sock-uh not Soak-uh - Sokka is the funny guy in the series. In the movie, he didn’t crack a single joke!

4. Zuko: Zuko is CAUCASIAN not Indian. - They got the freaking scar wrong! - The hair was all wrong

5. Iroh: Iroh is an old, slightly overweight, nice, funny man, who enjoys food and tea! The actor didn’t look anything like that and I couldn’t feel his love for tea (It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the movie so I might be wrong) - Although, I did like the actor, Iroh does not have dreads and he was too fit to be Iroh

6. Zhao: Zhao is CAUCASIAN not Indian. - Where was his crazy side burns!? - The way he died was all wrong.

7. Haru: Haru is like 19 in the animated series but in the movie he’s like 11 years old!

8. Kyoshi Warriors: THEY WEREN’T EVEN IN THE FREAKING MOVIE! I know they weren’t main characters but they did have a role! How else was Sokka going to meet Suki?

9. Jet: Where was he!? Again, he wasn’t a main character but he was a character that I’m sure many enjoyed.

10. Paku: I think the guy who played Iroh and the guy who played Paku should have switched roles.

11. Avatar Roku: He wasn’t even in the movie, either! That pissed me off.

12. Monk Gyatso: Monk Gyatso is an OLD ASAIN not young African American.

13. The bending: The way they bended seemed pretty weird.

14. Aang and Katara: It might be just me but I didn’t see that little lovey dovey feeling Aang has for Katara in the movie.

Feel free to disagree because this was just my opinion, but the movie sucked ass and the series is way better. If you noticed other things that the movie did not follow feel free to point them out! Done. I found the perfect picture comparing characters: And then nice little comic I enjoyed ------------>comic is on the side. Take a look!

Rant Courtesy of Ridelova101

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