Shuting the F*ck Up

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So as the name of this rant says, shut the fuck up ppl. I know that more then half of u on here are children but really. Didn’t your parents teach u that if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. What’s the point of trashing someone else work if A) u haven’t read it yet, B) you have no work of ur own and C ur opinion doesn’t count. It doesn’t even matter. Your small minded thoughts were better off left inside of ur read. Keep it there, let it swim around a bit and when you think you should say it… Shut the fuck up.

One of my favorite quotes: its is better to keep silent and be thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt

If ur tiny little brain can’t understand that it means shut the fuck up and before anyone of u want to rage about what I have to say on the comment part remember these points. A) I have freedom of speech and I can say anything I want. B) if you’re mad then most likely your the person that needs to STFU and C) as stated b4 ur opinion means nothing to me, less then nothing.

So think before you speak and the world will be a better place

This has been DBU telling all those out there who has nothing nice to say, to shut the fuck up   

Rant Courtesy of DeathBecomesUs

The Ranting DiariesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora