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"no cally! you're doing it wrong!" luke shouted and tried to take the blue car out his hand.

"lukey! i want it!" calum pouted.

"no! it's mine!" luke glared, but stopped glaring seeing calum getting upset.

"you meanie! you never share your toys! i hate you!" calum got up and ran to the other side of the classroom.

luke's bottom lip began to tremble and he cried loudly. everyone turned to look at the upset six year old. his tie had snot on it and he had red eyes.

"calum aren't you going to comfort your friend?" the teacher asked.

"he never share! so i hate him"

"come on" she took his hand and walked up to the crying boy. "luke..calum says you don't share and that's why he hates you. maybe if you share your toys calum will like you again"

"no! calum no like me! he loves me!"

"no!! no more!!" calum glared crossing his arms.

"fine!! we can share again! i share my toys, don't be mad at me okay?" luke dried his tears.

calum hugged the blonde's neck tightly smiling widely. "yes!"

luke squealed and giggled and hugged calum's waist tight trying to pick him up. he failed because he was too weak. "cally heavy"


calum waited for luke at the table. luke bounced and giggled his way to the table.

his big brown eyes studied the person next to the laughing blonde. "lukey, who's this?"

"this michael, cally"

"i don't like him"

"you just met him, watch, he's cool" michael sat down and laughed at something on his phone showing the blonde and not calum.

"what is it? and what's that plastic in your hand?"

"it's a phone, calum, duh" laughed luke.

michael hit him softly and showed the apps he had on the smart phone. "it's cool! it wasn't even expensive my mommy said! only $169.97"

"cool!!!" luke gasped.

"i make calls too" michael told.


they were giggling at stuff and ignored calum when he asked what was funny. (i remember those days...ugh.)

"l-lukey?" calum frowned.

"calum! stop bothering me! i'm trying to look at this gadget" luke snapped unintentionally.

calum sniffled and ran away from the table.


little hands [boyxboy] cakeWhere stories live. Discover now