Screwed or Safe

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Izzy P.O.V.

I immediately jumped up and out of my seat and ran down the stairs. I was speechless. There he was at my door. With now bullet holes in it. I got so pissed off I decided to yell at him hoping that he didn't hear me.

"You fucking ass!! You shot bullet holes into my fucking door!! Do you know how expensive it will be to replace that old wood? It's very rare now a days?!?!" I yelled. That obviously didn't help. I know that something must be up why would he be shooting bullet holes into my door?

I have to find out. But the only problem is that I have no fucking clue to get down there without getting killed by a fucking bullet.

He then smiled and busted down my door. He said with a cold and dark voice, "Come here!" I just shook my head. But someone was pushing me from behind. I didn't want to be near him.

The reason for this is because if he did find out that I was that missing child I would be taken next door (Or the house across from mine) and be either tortured or beaten to death or killed in many different ways.

I don't want that to happen so I am trying to keep a good distance away from him. I am just trying not be in a position where I will be killed in some way shape or form. That's the scary part. You will never know if your going to live or die today.

I am defiantly SCREWED when he barged through the door.

According to my parents will everything that they owned belonged to me and so that mean if HE shoots down my entire house HE is paying for everything that gets damaged. And the reason why I put the emphasis on HE is because I don't pay for it. Marco doesn't. His wife doesn't. HE has to. no one else does except for him.

His actions reflect on whether or not how much he has to replace or pay for. The only thing that he can't hopefully shoot is my mama's and my papa's vases that have their ashes in it. I am still sad and I cry occasionally but that is like once every two months.

I wish that I can hide but I can't now or else he will know something is up I don't want him to take my house down. But I don't want to go with him. I looked at Marco like help me. He just shook his head then the next thing I know is that I have a gun put to my head then him whispering in my ear, "You can't hide now." His cold dark voice echoed in my head. I thought and thought and thought of ways to get out of this.

But I don't want Marco to end up hurt or me even getting hurt. I can't risk that happening so I am deciding that I am just going to go with him if he takes me. If he doesn't then I don't know whats going to happen.

Defiantly being in this situation once more has brought back a lot of memories and thoughts. I couldn't help but break down in tears. I just balled my eyes out. I didn't want him to know the full truth. He can't know that it's me.

The one and only person who has ever survived. This very same thing had happened to another girl. Only except she was alive but not for long. She died shortly after he had found her. But she wasn't related to me thank god.

I know what it's like to have secrets and tell them but, I want to stay alive for a really long time. And I want to take Justin up on this little date that I think he was planning. but I can't see or tell or do anything until he either leaves or I run away. Secure and safe.

Me being strong and safe is probably the best thing that I can do right now. My feet tried to stop whoever was pushing me from behind to go into the arms of him. I seriously thought that I was safe.

Until now......Am I truly safe or am I just screwed??

Or was it just a very very bad dream??

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