Chapter 2: Baby Cakes

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"Liv, sweetie, wake up." My aunt whispers.

"What time is it?" I say flipping onto my side.

"Eight thirty, church is in a half an hour." She says and leaves the room.

Church? Like me in church? That hasn't happened since I was twelve for the Christmas play. 
I roll out of bed and stumble to the oversized closet. I decide on a white tee shirt and blue jeans, easy and simple.
Going with the laziest amount of makeup I make my way down to the kitchen where the rest of my family is.

"Hey, Olivia, haven't seen you in years." My uncle Mark smiles. I nod my head and sit next to Josh.

"Hannah will be at the service today, Liv. I think you'll like her." Josh says. Hannah, the Barbie made for Josh, the Ken doll.

"Maybe." I say. I doubt I will. She was the girl version of Josh and I can barely stand him.
I hear Josh laugh nervously next to me.

"Lynn and I have a dinner party tonight and Josh is going to dinner with Hannah and her family, so the house is yours tonight." Mark says. Sweet now I can do nothing in peace.

When I follow my family into the church everyone greets them, most people are eyeing me like satan himself walked in.

"Oh honey, this is Gina, she's our neighbor." Lynn introduces me to a tan women. She has dark hair and dark eyes.

"Nice to meet you! I have two sons around your age. They're somewhere around here." She smiles. The accent? I think Australian?
Three boys walk over to us. One is obviously older and the other two are twins.

"This is Beau, Jai and Luke." She says pointing them all out. Luke is definitely more my speed. Tattoos, piercings, doesn't look like he gives a damn judging by his Donald Duck tee.

"Your hairs sick." Like speaks up.

"Thanks. I like your lip ring." I smirk, which gets me a smirk in return. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lynn with a panicked look. Oops.

"Come sit with us." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the back pew.

"Luke, maybe she should sit with her family." Gina interrupts. I notice they're all staring at me.

"I'm a big girl, I'll be fine with them." I snicker to my aunt who looks like she's about to loose it.

"Fine." Lynn agrees and walks away with Gina to the front row.
I smile as like leads me to the back with Jai and Beau behind me. I end up sitting between Luke and his brothers, but trust me, I don't mind.

"So, what's up with you?" Luke whispers.

"Nothing is up with me." I quote his words. He laughs and Jai flicks him on the head. Which makes Luke yell at him.

"Shut up!" Beau hisses to his brother which makes me smile. Growing up with a younger sister, things like this never happened.

By the end of the service I have no idea what the pastor was talking about, but that's okay, Luke was much more interesting.

"Wanna go for lunch with us?" Jai asks as we stand up.

"Yeah, sure." I smile as we meet up with my aunt and their mom.

"Hey, Lynn, I'm gonna go out for lunch with them." I say.

"What? Josh and you were gonna go out with Hannah." She says smiling the most fake smiles I've ever seen.

"Well I already made plans, see ya later." I smile walking out of the small church with Luke running behind me.

"That was badass." He laughs. I roll my eyes and he leads me to a red jeep.

"This is sick." I say.

"Thanks." Hmm I wouldn't think Beau would be a jeep kinda guy.

"Olivia Rae Parker! You get back here right now!" I hear my aunt yell.

"I'm suddenly deaf!" I call back and jump into the car. On the way to the restaurant no one really talks. But God damn Luke is hot, yeah him and Jai are identical, but there's something about Luke.

"So where'd you come from?" Jai asks suddenly.

"Minnesota." I say. Shit. That reminds me I was supposed to call Katie.

"That's cool, were from Melbourne." He replies. Australian, knew it. I nod and grab my phone and call my mom.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Give the phone to Kate." I push. I hear her sigh and call for my younger sister.

"Hello?" She says into the phone. I smile at the sound of her voice.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm okay, mom and dad told me that you were really bad so you had to go with auntie Lynn." She says quietly.

"Yeah, I guess dying my hair wasn't a good idea, was it?" I laugh. I miss her so much. I hate everyone, but I love her to death.

"No I like your hair, let's dye mine!" She yells. I laugh only the phone thinking of her long blond hair turning into pink.

"Maybe when you're older, Katie." I smile, I notice were in a parking lot so I wrap it up.

"I gotta go Kate, but I promise I'll call soon. Love you." I smile.

"Love you more Livvy." She laughs and hangs up.

"Let's go I'm starved." I laugh and get out of the car. I follow them into the small cafe and we get seated in the back.
I scan over the menu trying to find something to eat.

"You won't be hungry if you eat your lip." Beau smirks. I let go of my bottom lip, I always absentmindedly bite my lip. I roll my eyes and continue you looking.

"Yeah save some for me." Luke whispers next to me. Heat rises into my face but I try to play it cool.

"Maybe you'll have a better pickup line next time." I roll my eyes.

"If you think I pick up girls with my words, you should guess again." He says raking his eyes over my body.

"My eyes are up here." I spit.

"Wasn't looking for 'em." He laughs.

Joshua and Heather or Haley or whoever tried to talk to me, but thank god my door has a lock. I'd rather not hang out with Ken and Barbie.
I grab my computer and look around tumblr for awhile.
I shut my computer and decide to take a shower. My phone starts playing music and belt out the lyrics.

"You're a great singer." I hear someone say and I instantly scream. I open the curtain and peek my head out, Luke is standing by the door.

"What the hell?" I yell.

"You're coming with me tonight, come over at eleven." He smirks.

"Why would I do that?" I ask.

"You don't strike me as innocent." He laughs walking closer to me.

"You didn't strike me as a perv, guess we both thought wrong." I smile.

"Feisty, are we?" He raises an eyebrow, pausing inches away from my face.

"I um we no, not feisty." I shake my head staring at his lips. He throws his head back, laughing.

"See you at eleven, baby cakes." He says turning around.

"Baby cakes?" I ask.

"Eleven." He calls and shuts the bathroom door.

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