Chapter twenty: Her

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"Good morning, Princess!" Luke yells and opens his curtains.

"Shh." I groan, wrapping myself in the blanket.

"Come on, Summer and I are going to show you around a bit today." He said and I immediately sat up.

"Maybe we should just stay home." I shrug.

"No, it's really nice out today. Why don't you want to?" He asks, sitting next to me.

"It's not that I don't, I just want to spend time with you." I lie. I actually just don't want to hang around Summer until she tells me why she texted Luke at three in the morning.

"I promise as soon as we get home we can cuddle up." He smiles. Ugh his stupid, perfect smile.

"Fine." I cross my arms. He laughs and kisses my pouted lips.


"So where first?" Summer pipes up from the back seat.

"Maybe the shopping center?" Luke suggests and she agrees.

"Babe, I didn't bring money. I didn't think we were shopping." I lace my fingers with the hand he rests on my thigh.

"I'll buy you whatever you want." He looks over at me and winks.

"Don't buy me things." I whine.

"Stop complaining, if a boy wants to buy you things, let him." Summer laughs. I roll my eyes and lean my head against the window.

Once we get there I walk hand in hand with Luke.

"Let's go to the food court and get something to eat and then we can shop." Luke says and pulls me along. The scent of French fries fills my nose and I immediately want some.

"You want fries, don't you?" Luke asks. I nod repeatedly and he laughs. He orders us a basket and we bring them to a table. Summer comes and joins us with a salad and a water bottle in hand.

"Little miss healthy?" I tease and she smiles.

"I just don't like greasy food." She says and bites into a lettuce leaf. I look at Luke and roll my eyes and he just smiles.

"By the way, we're going to go out tomorrow night with my mum." Luke tells me.

"So I figured, I can buy you a dress today?" He offers.

"Babe." I whine.

"Just this once, please." He pouts his lips. I find myself giving in even though I feel bad.

"Hello? Majorly third wheeling right now!" Summer sticks out her tongue.

"Sorry." I roll my eyes. Seems like this is all I do around the wicked witch of the west, I mean, Summer.


"Babe, you like this one?" I say and step out of the dressing room. I'm wearing a navy blue skater dress that ends just above my knees.

"You look gorgeous in that color, baby." He smiles and walks towards me and kisses me firmly.

"Can we go home? I really want to um, shower. Yeah shower." I lie. I was sick of hanging around Summer. She kept trying to stop Luke and I from holding hands or any form of  PDA. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and she kept telling us to, quote unquote, "stop making me the third wheel." and it pissed me off.

"I mean after I take this off." I finish.

"I wish I could take it off for you." He whispers in my ear and I feel my cheeks instantly blush.

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