Chapter 30: Epilouge

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Luke's pov:
I sit up panting.

"Hello?" I yell, why the hell am I in a hospital? A nurse rushes in and smiles, clapping her hands.

"Oh this is a miracle, we were beginning to think you'd never wake up!" She frowns, then smiling widely again. "Okay, I'll get the doc and we will get your family in here, they've been here everyday for you!" She nods, leaving me in the silence of the four white walls.

After twenty minutes a doctor comes in and talks and tells me everything about the past four months. They said my leg was broken, it's healed now. He told me that when I fell down the stairs I hit my head extremely hard and I've been in this coma ever since. It's funny, Olivia was in a coma and now I am.

"Alright, that's it for now, Mr. Brooks, I'll get your family!" He smiles, leaving the room. I can't wait to see everyone, especially Liv, hopefully she's not mad at me anymore.

"Oh my god! Luke!" Jai yells hugging me following with Beau, mum, James, Daniel, and Sami.

"Where's Liv?" I ask. The room falls silent and everyone looks at me.

"Um well." Sami tries to speak but she stops and looks at her feet.

"She's over me, isn't she?" I was stupid to think she'd still be here, I hurt her. I'd leave to, well maybe I don't know if I could ever leave her.

"No, oh gosh no! She's well I can explain later, let's just worry about you right now!" Sami smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes like she knows some awful secret.

After a few hours everyone leaves and I'm left in the dark hospital room. They kept me here again tonight just to run a few tests and make sure everything's okay.

All I can think about is Liv. Where is she? Is she okay? Is she mad? Is she upset? Are we over?

Did she ever escape from her demons?

That's a wrap;)

Ps: I'm Starting the sequel soon!!!!

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