Chapter nineteen: Jealous

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"So blonde, Olivia? I'm digging it." Luke smirks. I punch his arm and drag him to the basement with me.

"Ooh, do you want to have some fun?" He winks.

"Shut up. I just wanted to lay down and talk to you." I whine. He laughs and lays under the duvet on my bed and pulls me under with him.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asks.

"Well this girl who did my hair, Summer, well I thought maybe I'd invite her over tonight?" I look up at him.

"Sure." He nods and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, Olivia." He smiles.

"I love you."


Summer was going to be here any minute and I cannot cook for my life.

"Ow, fuck!" I yell as I burn my wrist on the oven rack.

"Hey, hey, hey. What happened?" Luke asks.

I show him my wrist and he runs it under cold water.

"Better?" He asks.

"Kiss it." I smile. He rolls his eyes and kisses my wrist.

"Better." I agree. He leaves the kitchen and I sigh. The kitchen was a full blown mess. I burnt the chicken, and I had completely flunked at making mashed potatoes.

I hear the doorbell and I open the door.

"Hey!" Summer smiles and hugs me.

"Babe? Come here, bring the boys!" I yell.

"Your house is beautiful, by the way." She smiles and I thank her. Luke wraps an arm around my waist and smiles at me.

"Guys this is, Summer. Summer this is my boyfriend, Luke. Those are his brothers Beau and Jai and their friends Daniel and James." I say pointing to each of them.

"Hi." She smiles.

"Okay, so I can't cook. But do you mind if we order pizza?" I ask her, slightly embarrassed.

"Love a good takeout pizza." She laughs.

"Luke help me clean up the kitchen, you guys should go downstairs and get to know each other." I wave off the boys and bring Luke to the kitchen.

"Babe, what'd you do?" Luke laughs. I groan and start washing dishes.

"Imagine one day we can have our own home, just us." Luke whispers in my ear.

"No." He kisses my neck. "Distractions." He finishes. Chills go up my spine and I lean into his chest.

"One day." I smile.

Once the kitchen is finally clean, Luke and I go downstairs.

"Pizza should be here in a half an hour." Daniel says.


"So, Summer, were you born here?" Jai asks her.

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