Chapter seven: Fallen

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Luke's pov:
I shouldn't have ruined it last night. I was so drunk, and she looked so good. That's no excuse, but I'm supposed to be the bad boy.

As soon as I walked in I saw her grinding into some dude. Her eyes were hooded over and I could tell she was on something. I walked around trying to find, Sami. I saw the back of her head and I spun her around.

"What did you give, Olivia?" I asked.

"I think maybe Molly? I don't really remember. Hey, she's having fun." She laughed downing her drink.

"What the fuck? Does she know?" I asked getting angrier by the second.

"Course not. Let loose Luke. Our never get held up on girls." She said leaving me standing in her kitchen.

I walked back to the living room, Olivia passed out onto the couch, which was normal for taking pills.

I looked up seeing the bleached hair is grown to hate.
"Lukey." She smiled wrapping her arms around me. She wreaked of booze, but I didn't care at the moment. I grabbed her ass, pushing her close to me.

She walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I followed her like the idiot I am.

Within seconds I had her pressed against the wall with my lips roaming her neck. She moved her hands toward my package and I replaced her with Liv in my head. She grabbed on and j moaned.

"Fuck, Liv." I said squeezing my eyes shut.

"Liv?" She asked pulling away.

"No, no. You miss heard me, I said Lex." I covered myself. If you were Liv, I could've reached a climax by now. I thought.

She shrugged going back to what she was doing. I picked her up, setting her on the sink, trying to replace the blonde hair with purple. Blue eyes into the most amazing golden, black eyes. Too small of a frame into a gorgeous girl who I had yet to find a flaw.

You caught feelings and you know it. My conscious reminds me. I'm Luke Brooks, I don't catch feelings. Until her.

My thoughts are interrupted by the door being swung open and there stood the girl who'd racing through my head since the second I saw her standing in the church like a black sheep. Her eyes were missing the usual glow and her breaths were shallow.

Luke?" She asked and it was like all the bad was gone. She could've saved me right then and there by saying my name.

"Oh, hey, Olivia. Didn't realize you were here." I lied, pulling away from Lex. I felt like such an ass. I shouldn't have kissed her in the first place. I should've came here, got Liv and left.

"I didn't know I was here." She said.

I felt horrible. I couldn't concentrate on what the girls with fighting about. It was my fault she was here. If I would've kept her safe, she'd be okay. But no, I'm famous for fucking it all up.

I saw Lex walk toward Liv and I pulled her back. Olivia's face twisted in disgust and I loosened my grip. Liv finished her comments and Lex ran towards her.

Olivia's quick, throwing her fist right into Lex nose, blood spewing out from it. Lex tackled Liv to the ground slamming her head to the hard floor. I moved Lex off and tried to stay calm while watching Liv fighting to keep her eyes open.

"I'm so sorry, Olivia. This is all my fault." I whispered to the angelic girl as her eyes screwed shut in my arms.


"Come on wake up. Please." I whispered to the motionless girl laying on my bed.

"Shh. My head." She croaked out. Two words and my spirit was lifted. She was okay.

"I'll let you rest." I said getting up.

"No, don't leave. Stay, please." Her eyes fluttered open locking into my eyes. I sat on the chair next to my bed and gently moved her hair from her eyes.

"No, Luke. Please just hold me." She said reaching her hand out to me.

"Olivia, are you sure?" I asked looking away from her. I looked back and her eyes were shut again.

I next to her on my bed, not knowing what to do. After hooking up with a girl, I didn't let them stay. Cum and leave, was my motto.

This wasn't a hook up. I was lying in bed with a saint and I was the sin. I looked at her sleeping peacefully as she turned into my chest, gripping my shirt.

I wrapped my arm around here torso, smiling at her.

"Save me." She whispered. Oh, Olivia, that's all I've ever wanted to do.

How do you save someone when you aren't saved yourself? But I was okay with that.

I would loose more and more of myself if I knew she'd have a smile on her face everyday.

Bad boy, Brooks? You're going soft. I oddly welcomed the thought. I would go soft for her.

I wasn't the "bad boy" for fun. I didn't play with girls to fill the void. I didn't want to get hurt. I enjoyed the thought of feeling nothing. If going to a party, getting wasted then fucked, leaving like nothing happened.

Olivia was another story. She played it as the "bad girl" and the thought of that made me smile. I could tell she was just like me before she came here. Minus the fucking. But I think being here changed her slightly. Yeah, she'd party. She'd be the irresponsible girl she is. She'd break someone nose. But she was innocent.

I would do anything to keep her innocence. She didn't need to have her heart broken. I wouldn't break her heart, well not intentionally. But even if it was unintentional I don't think I would be okay with myself. I wanted to protect from this world.

I had fallen for her. Within a matter of weeks, Olivia Parker had consumed. And I was okay with falling.

Olivia's pov:
"Luke, stay here. I want you to hold me." I said holding onto the dos like boy.

"I can't leave you. I don't want to." He said pulling me into him.

"Then don't."

"Olivia, did you say something?" Luke asked pulling me out of my dream.

"Save me." I said before falling back into my dreams.

That's what i wanted more than anything. I wanted this beautiful man to save me from the demons that I should've ran from. I would do anything to have him with me and fight away the demons. I had fallen for him. Within a matter of weeks, Luke Brooks has consumed me. And I was okay with falling.

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