Chapter 4: Are you nervous?

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"I didn't know what to fucking do." I hear someone yell.

"Why the hell did you bring her?" Another voice yells.

"I thought she'd have a good time! God damnit! What do I do? What if she's dead?" I feel someone place there hand on my cheek.

"She's not dead, you idiot. Just go get some sleep, on the floor!" The other guy warns.

"I'm so sorry, Olivia." I slightly open my eyes.

"L-Luke?" I whisper.

"Shh. You need to rest." He says and sits next to me on the bed.

"But." I protest.

"Olivia, please sleep. I'll explain it in the morning." He says laying on the ground. I shut my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up to sun shining in my eyes. Where the hell am I?  I look around and see Luke laying on the floor. What am I wearing?

"Luke?" I whisper. He rolls away from me and ducks under the blanket.

"Luke?" I say louder. He groans and looks up at me.

"Morning." He yawns.

Suddenly the night comes flooding back to me and I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment.

"I need to go." I say getting. I look down and notice I don't have pants on.

"Holy shit! Did we." He cuts me off.

"No, Liv, I'm not that type of guy." He shakes his head.

"So you can't swim?" He asks.

"No, okay? Go ahead tease me, it's ridiculous, I know." I look down. I feel him sit next to me and then lift my chin.

"No I don't think it's ridiculous. So what? You can't swim, no biggie." He shrugs. I smile at him and he returns it.

"Where are my clothes? And where are we?" I ask.

"Well I noticed that you weren't coming back to the surface so I jumped in after you. Once I got you back on land you couldn't stay away. As shitty as this sounds, I didn't want to take you to a hospital because underage drinking, ya know?" He pauses, and I nod.

"Anyways so I took you back to Skip's and met Jai, Beau, and James here. I knew if I brought you home my mom would just be all over my case so I thought Skip's was the next best thing. I changed you into one of Daniel's shirts and dried your clothes. But I swear I didn't look at you like that, I just didn't want you to be cold." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"Thank you. Honestly, that's the nights at thing anyone's ever done for me. My friends back home would've been so wasted, they wouldn't have noticed that I was in the water in the first place." I laugh.

"I'd notice." Luke says confidently. He looks at me and I quickly change the subject.

"I should get back to my aunts. She's gonna freak." Luke nods and brings me my clothes that are warm and dry. I smile and thank him and change while he leaves the room.

"Did you smash?" I hear a slightly familiar voice ask.

"No, guys, she could've died." Luke says.

"Luke, are you catching feelings?" Beau asks.

"No, you know me, I don't catch feelings." I hear Luke laugh and other laughter joins it. Luke's smart, to fall in love is to be vulnerable and you're just setting yourself up for brokenness by being vulnerable.

I follow the voices and it leads to a living room.

"Olivia, hey." Beau says and I nod my head at him.

"I'm gonna take her home, see ya boys later." I wave to them and follow Luke out to his car.

"I was thinking, maybe we can have a redo night?" Luke asked.

"Maybe, maybe not." I shrug.

"Ah, playing hard to get." Luke laughs.

"No, not at all actually. I don't waste my time with boys who don't know the difference between a hookup and love. Not that I want love." I rolled my eyes.

"So Liv is mysterious, that's hot." Luke said placing his hand on my thigh.

"Knock it off, prick." I barked.

"You getting nervous?" He asks moving his hand up on my thigh.

"You don't intimidate me, Brooks." I laugh.
What happened to the Luke that told me 'he wasn't that type of guy'?

"How about now?" He moves up just enough that if he moved an inch he'd be touching my core.

"Both hands on the wheel." I say pushing his hand off me.

"I think I'm going to keep you around." He finishes once we pull into my aunts driveway.

"I don't think that's your decision." I answer, stepping out of his car.

"You'll be head over heels for me, babycakes. They always are." He says pulling out and leaving me in my driveway.

I walk inside and my aunt rushes to the door.

"Where were you? I was worried sick!" She grunts.

"I went for a walk because I couldn't sleep. I got lost and stayed at a hotel, Luke picked me up this morning." I lie kicking off my shoes.

"Stay away from him, he's nothing, but bad news." She yells.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm bad news." I laugh walking up to my room.

"Two wrongs don't make a right!" She says when I make it to the top.

"I'm not looking for a right." I smirk and walk into my room then shutting the door.

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