Chapter 3: Can't swim

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Eleven, I had hours to kill. With the thought of a lip ring and a beautiful accent in mind i couldn't think straight.

Once k dried off and changed into shorts and a shirt I decide to ask Josh about the Brooks.

"Josh!" I yell. I hear pounding up the stairs and he open the door.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"What do you know about Luke?" I ask. His face falls for a second, but he quickly recovers.

"Luke Brooks, um, wow." He pauses and scratches the back of his neck.

"Luke is a little different. What I've heard of is he's not a good egg." He shrugs.

"Good egg?" I laugh. Josh rolls his eyes and continues.

"Just keep him as the neighbor and you'll be fine." Josh smiles.

"Maybe I don't want him to be just the neighbor." I say glancing out my window.

"Just stay away from him, Olivia." He warns. Thanks, but no thanks.

I sat for hours looking at my old writing journal. I used to love writing but I kind of stopped as I got older. I toss the journal on the bed and go to the huge closet which I don't need for my clothing.

I grab a pair of jeans and a white crew neck and change quickly. I don't know where Luke is taking me, but he doesn't look like a nice dinner kind of guy.

After putting on a nice amount of makeup I wait for Luke. I shut off my lights so my aunt doesn't get suspicious.

Eventually my window opens and I jump.

"Fuck." I gasp. I hear the familiar laugh from him and I smile knowing I'm going somewhere with him.

"Come on, Liv. Time for you to experience a night in California." He whispers, even in the dark I can tell he's smirking. I roll off the bed and follow him to window. I throw one leg over and look down, a good ten to twelve feet.

"You scared?" He asks.

"Of falling to my death? Course not." I say sarcastically.

"A little push?" He teases. I nudge him a grab onto the wooden fence meant for vines to grow on.

"If I die, I promise I'm coming back to kill you." I threaten as I make my way down.

"See you in hell, babycakes." He smiles down at me.

"Olivia." I correct him.

"Right, babycakes." He laughs. I jump off the fence and wait for him. He lands next to me and smiles.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod. I follow him to his car and get into the passenger.

"So who were talking to on the phone today?" He asks after minutes of peaceful silence.

"My younger sister." I answer blankly.

"If she's anything like you, I wish her luck." He says.

"Yeah, guess so." I fake smile. I hope she's nothing like me, I'm damned, but she's sweet and she deserves to be good.

"And here we are." He says parking the car.

"The woods?" I ask. "Planning to kill me?" I finish. He throws his head back laughing and I can't help but admire his simplicity.

"Not today, babes. Come on, sick party. Friends of mine are throwing it." He says getting out of the car. I nod my head I follow him through the dark woods.

"So this is how it all ends." I whisper.

"Not finished with you yet." He says resting his hand on my lower back.
After a few more yards we've made it to a cabin. You can hear the music from outside and there's a lake right outside of it.

"Come on." He says pulling me into the cabin.

"Luke!" I guy yells and comes over to us. He's tall and has the same Australian accent.

"Hey man. This is Liv." Luke introduces me.

"I'm James, I'm gonna call you small bird. Your hair is sweet by the way." He laughs.

"How drunk are you?" Luke asks.

"Aye man, you know a little here, a little there." James winks. Luke rolls his eyes and pull me away.

"Later Small Bird!" James calls. I smile at the name from him.

"Daniel!" Luke calls and hugs a dark haired guy.

"Who's this beauty?" Daniel asks. Australian as well.

"Liv." Luke answers looking at me.

"She's hot." Daniel nods.

"Already called dibs, Skip." Luke laughs.

"I'm a person not an object." I remind Luke.

"I'd treat you like a person, Liv." Daniel smiles. I smile as Daniel wraps an arm around me.

"Skip." Luke glares.

"Look at her hair, she's like a fairy! Ooh are you a fairy? You could be one!" Daniel rambles.

"Oh yeah, definitely a fairy." I smirk.

"Make me beautiful!" Daniel yells. I point my finger at him and smile.

"Oops the fairy gods said you're already the most beautiful." I laugh.

"Did you hear that? I'm the beautifulest!!" Daniel yells and tips a drink down his mouth.

"Let me have what he's having!" I laugh. Luke pulls me to the kitchen where a group of people are.

"Lukey, you gonna play?" A drunken girl yells.

"No Tiff." He says and hands me a red cup. I tip it into my mouth and swallow the burn.

"You can hold em' done." He smirks.

"One tough cookie." I wink and follow him back to Skip.

"Fairy Liv!" He smiles when he sees me. I laugh and sit next to him on the couch.

"Wanna smoke?" He asks.

"Skip, she just got here." Luke says.

"Let's go outside!" Daniel says jumping up. I smile and follow him outside.
I full as he runs on to the dock.

"How'd you be A fairy?" He ask sitting on the edge of the dock.

"N  fairy dust." I continue with the fairy thing.

"He won't remember this tomorrow." Luke whispers next to me.

"A fairy tonight. A human tomorrow." I laugh.

"Hey look! It's James!" Daniel yells.

"I'm coming to the dock and no one will stop me!" James yells. Drunk people are always the most fun.

"I won't stop you, James." Luke calls. James laughs and continues running. But he doesn't stop he jumps off the end and then surfaces back to the top.

"I'm all wet." James smiles.

"Look, James, Liv is a fairy. She can fly. Watch!" Daniel says standing up and pushing me off the dock.

"No I-" I cut off by the water. Can't swim."

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