Chapter 1: Last Straw

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"I'm home!" I yell to whoever is home.
I hear a small pair of feet running down the stairs.

"Livvy!" My younger sister yells. But she pauses and looks at me.

"How did you do that?" She asked, pointing up to my purple hair.

"I dyed it." I laugh. She nods and follows me to my room.

"Wanna come play with me?" She asks sitting on my bed.

"Can't right now." I sigh. She crosses her arms and leaves my room.
Within minutes my mom is in my room.

"Why didn't you play with your. Oh my god!" She yells the last part.

"What's up?" I snicker.

She takes a minute, looking at my hair.

"Todd! Get up here, now!" She yells for my dad. He comes up and his jaw instantly drops.

"Your hair? What did you do?" He asks.

"Look at that, it's purple." I smirk.

"Young lady, that's it!" My mom yells.

"Ooh I'm so scared. What are you gonna do? Ground me? Cut off all my hair?" I laugh.
My mom yells before disappearing from my room with my dad.

"Olivia!" My dad yells. I groan and sit up out of my bed. I just wanted to sleep, but no.

"What?" I yell back.

"Come down here!" He yells. I stand up and slowly walk downstairs where I sit my aunt, mom, and dad.

"Family reunion?" I smirk.

"Olivia, you're going to go live with your aunt in California for awhile." My mom says.

"Sweet, when do I leave?" I ask, leaning against the door frame.

"You're not mad?" My dad asks, shocked.

"Why would I be? California will be amazing." I nod. Mad? Oh no I'm not mad. But if they think sending me away will make into the poster child for happiness and smiles, they have another thing coming.

"Okay, well go start packing." My dad says. I walk back to my room, laughing at the fact my parents are so naïve. Sending me to California is like a dream come true.

After what felt like ours of packing, I'm ready to go.

"Katie?" I knock on my sisters door. She opens it and smiles up at me.

"I'm gonna be gone for awhile okay?" I ask her.

"Don't tell mom and dad?" She asks. I laugh, I taught her that. If I'm not home, deny, deny, deny.

"No Kate, mom and dad are making me leave. But I'll come home." I smile.

"When?" She asks.

"I don't know." I sigh. She nods and runs inside her room. She comes back with a necklace with a small diamond on it.

"Mom said to give this to you on your birthday, but I'm gonna give it to you now. I spent all my allowance on it." She smiles.

"Aw thanks Katie, I'll wear it everyday." I promise her, hugging her for the last time for awhile.
I start walking downstairs.

"Liv?" She asks. I turn on my heel to look at her.

"I love you." She says quietly.

"Love you too." I say and meet my family downstairs.

The plane ride wasn't so bad. We had a layover in Wyoming and then continued. But for flying in from Minnesota, I wasn't complaining.

"Okay dear, Joshua will be picking us up. Need me to hold something?" My aunt asks and I shake my head.
Joshua is like the gold shiny star on the family tree. Star athlete, too many scholarships to count, everything my parents wanted me to be. He went to church every Sunday, he volunteered at every possible place he could.
So growing up with him as a younger cousin and failing miserably to be like him, you get used to being in second place.

"Oh there's him now!" My aunt smiles, walking over to his silver truck.

"There she is!" He smiles, hugging me. He's always acted like I was two years younger than him, not the other way around.

"Hey, Josh." I smile.

"Will have you back to normal in no time. I was thinking we could go to the food shelter today and then church tomorrow obviously." He continues rambling on about his "good doing" but I zone it.

"Yeah or we could just hang out like normal people do and you could show me around California." I say and slide my begs into the backseat.

"Uh yeah sure." He scratches the back of his neck.
I get in the backseat and watch my aunt and him talk about me. I laugh as they get in and act like saints.

"It takes about twenty minutes to get home." My aunt says and I nod .

"So what made you want to dye your hair?" My aunt asks as we pull onto a highway.

"Why not?" I reply. She smiles and turns on the radio to the same old stupid pop station.

I look out my window trying to focus on what I want to do first. But knowing that my mom sent me here, she probably already told my aunt a curfew and where I can't and can't go.

Once we reach their house it's around ten in the morning. Time differences are so weird.
I climb out of his truck and grab my bags, following my aunt to the room I'm staying in.

"Here it is." She smiles. I smirk as I see the pink bedspread and dainty little things all over.

"We just redid this room, hope you like it." She smiles.

"Sure." I say tossing my bags onto the bed.

"I'll let you unpack and get settled in." She says and closes the door behind her.

I start unpacking and eventually everything is out away. But as soon as my back hits the mattress.

"Olivia!" Joshua yells. I roll off the bed and go down the hall to find him. Once I'm in the kitchen I see him.

"We're gonna go out for lunch, you wanna come?" He asks.

"I'm fine, I'm pretty tired." I say.

"Right, jet lag. Well I'll bring you something back." He smiles following his mom out of the kitchen.

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