Chapter twenty eight: Rolls reversed

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I haven't slept. I can only think about leaving. Well leaving and having to talk to Luke, which will only make leaving more painful. I don't want to leave, but I know I need to, for Luke.

I know it's sometime around three, I didn't need to see the clock. Three is the perfect time of the morning to be awake. It's silent, you are left with your thoughts, emotions, everything. It's like the world is muted and you're able to control every last detail in your life. You can do anything you want. I know exactly what I wanted to do.

I open the door and watch as his chest rises and falls in a perfect beat. He rolls around and brings the blanket closer to his chin. I slowly walk to his bedside and watch him. Not in a creepy way, in a way that I know I have to leave him and I need to remember every beautiful thread of his being.

"I love you, Luke Anthony Mark Brooks. More than I thought possible." I whisper and bend down to kiss his cheek. He stirs around and sighs in his sleep.

"Liv." He calls. A frown takes over my lips as he tosses around, like he's having some sort of awful nightmare. Probably where he finds out what you are and he wants to run, but you won't let him.

I shake my head and walk to his door, opening it and giving one last glance at the boy who's completely taken over my mind. I shut his door and slowly walk back to my room, smiling while I pass Sami in a deep sleep on the couch.

I shut my bedroom door and grab my suitcases from my closet, filling them with clothes and other essentials. Always running. I zip up the bags and shove them back into my closet, just in case anyone comes in here.

I sit on my bed and wrap my blankets around my body, looking around the room. My eyes pause on the mirror where I see my reflection, my eyes are black. Solid black. I walk towards it and examine my face as the black fades and the golden rings that outline the darkest shade of brown, appear again. Looks like you found out that you can't run from your demons, they are a part of you. They are you.


I watch the sun rise completely and here footsteps above me, the boys must be awake. I leave my room and notice Sami still sleeping.

"Morning." I call as I walk upstairs. Luke turns around and weakly smiles at me, I was expecting it to be Beau. "Oh, hey."

"Can we talk now?" He asks after a moment of silence and I nod, pointing up to his room.

Once we're in his room I notice how differ met everything seems than it did earlier this morning.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"No, Luke please don't apologize. I did the same thing, I was out of control." Haven't you always been out of control?

"Can I maybe give this back to you?" He holds out the promise ring and I gulp.

"N-No." I breathe out, even though I want more than anything to take it, slip it back on and confess my love for him. But you can't. I know.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asks, shaking his head as I stare at him wanting to tel him no. "God damnit, can't you see what you're doing to me? I am so fucking in love with you, Olivia. You've changed me, you saved me!" He yells. I can hear the others waking up and I pray that he'll quiet down.

"Luke please don't tell me you love me. You can't move me." I look down at my feet.

"Why?" He asks, walking towards me.

"Because I am not good for you." I look up at him and I can feel his anger. Maybe it's anger or hurt. I wish I didn't have to inflict this pain on him, a broken leg would hurt less than this.

"I love you." Is all that leaves his mouth.

"You're making this so much harder." I say quietly. "I'm leaving, Luke, for you. So you can find someone that will be good for you." I open his door to leave, but he grips my wrist.

"No! You can't leave me! Please, Olivia, please don't leave me. We can make this all better, me and you." His voice cracks.

"I have to Luke!" I yell as I run down the flights of stairs.

"Olivia, don't leave. Stay please." He sobs at the top of the stairs. I can feel everyone behind me staring.

"I'm trying to help you!" I yell. Then something completely unexpected happens. Broken leg. Luke grips his leg as he topples down the stairs, slamming his head into the wall and floor on the way down.

"Oh my god!" I yell dripping to my knees. Beau and Jai shake his unconscious body. Good job.

"Look what you did!" Jai yells as he tries to wake up his twin.

"Call an ambulance, now!" Beau yells. Someone grips my arms and pulls me away from him.

Everything feels in slow motion. Someone is trying to talk to me, but I can only stare at Luke's body, completely limp and looking lifeless.

People rush in and push tiny sensors onto his body, laying him on the stretcher and sprinting outside with him. One man yells something and Beau walks outside with him.

Someone slips a jacket on my arms and leads me to the car. Look at this awful thing you did. YOU DID IT. You are a monster.

"I'm a monster." I whisper and blink my eyes rapidly.

"Hey, Liv, calm down." Sami whispers, looking at me. "Watch me." She tilts my head to look at her. Her pitch black eyes, identical to mine. I watch as the lifelessness of them breaks and fill with the beautiful gold I've grown used to seeing, they were just like mine.

"Yeah, good. Just breathe. In and out." She inhales and exhales and I follow her.

"What the hell was that?" Jai yells staring at us.

"See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil." Sami whispers and Jai looks out his window, like he completely forgot.

"What?" I gape.

"It'll make them forget." She whispers.

Once we get to the hospital we go and sit in the waiting room, the doctor said we couldn't see Luke right now.

"This is all your fault, Liv." Jai runs his hands through his unkept hair.

"Hey, leave her alone." Beau scolds him.

"No, he's right. I'm sorry, to all of you. You won't have to worry about it anymore." I whisper the last part.

"Luke Brooks family?" A man calls and Beau stands. I see them talk, the doctor looking sympathetic and Beau looks lost. Completely and utterly lost.

"What did they say?" James asks when Beau approaches us.

"He's in a medical induced coma." Beau sighs as he sits down, placing his head in his hands.

Oh how the rolls have reversed.

Two chapters left!!!!!!!

Much love, Cass

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