Chapteer fourteen: Stubborn

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Luke's pov:
I looked down at her sleeping. She was beautiful no matter what. She didn't have to try.

I was praying that she did, In fact, love me like she said. But I highly doubt it, she was wasted. But part me of me believed that she had to love me. I would've reached the ends of the earth, just to know she'd be happy. I know very well that I love her. My mum said you know you're in love when all the songs make sense, and they did. Every stupid song that used cheesy quotes to show their love for someone, it all made sense. I am in love with Olivia Rae Parker.

She rolled over and opened her eyes.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I smiled.

"When'd I get back here?" She yawned, pointing to my room.

"You were pretty drunk last night, so I brought you back home." I answered.

"I had fun last night." She smiled. You have no idea. I nodded and sat up in bed.

"I think I'll take you to the beach today if you're up for it." I said and she nodded.

"Yeah, do you think the boys will want to come?" She asked.

"Maybe, but I thought that it could just be us two today?" I offered.

"Alright." She nodded, climbing the ladder down to the ground.

"I'm going to shower." She looked up at me.

"Have fun." I smirked. She rolled her eyes, leaving my room.

"Jai? You up?" I asked. He peeked his head up and looked at me.

"Yeah." He said and I heard him flop back on his bed.


Olivia's pov:
I dried myself of and then changed into my pale pink bikini, throwing on a tee and shorts over it.

"Luke!" I called and he emerged from the kitchen.

"Ready when you are." I said walking towards him.

"I made you eggs, I'm going to go change." He nodded and walked off. I looked at the plate of eggs, he made two small piles at the top and a curved line of eggs at the bottom, forming a smiley face. I laughed and began eating, checking my phone.

My parents still haven't tried to contact me and the thought of them hating me, oddly made me feel sick. I was still their daughter, I thought parents love was different than any other love. I pushed the eggs away from me and I looked at Luke who had a bag in his arms.

"Towels, sunglasses, sunscreen, missing anything?" He asked looking around the room.

"Do you have your phone and keys?" I ask and he scoops them off the counter.

"Then I think we're good!" I smiled.

"Wait my wallet!" He said running back to his room and came back in a moment.

"Alright, beach day." I said and we walked to his car.


We arrived at the sunny beach. Laughter and the scent of ice cream filled the air. Luke locked his car and we walked to the sand, laying out our towels. I took off my shirt and slipped my shorts down my legs. I noticed Luke staring so I shoved him.

"Still a perv." I smiled up at him.

"Still gorgeous." He said kissing my forehead and I smiled at the gesture.

"Look, Dave, just like us when we were kids." I heard a woman say and I look over to an old woman smiling at us, a man standing at her side.

"You two are so cute. I hope you stay together for a long time." She smiled and her husband looked at her lovingly. I was about to interject and tell her that we weren't together when Luke spoke up.

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