Just A Note

142 20 0

When I stumbled across this project, I knew I had to learn more about it- but they messaged me before I had a chance! This is truly a lovely project, and I know you will all agree with me on this one.

You will remember the chapter on compliments? Well now is a chance to get those wonderful things you have had someone say to you, and say them to someone else.

Here is a little statement about justanote -

Just a Note was created to encourage an atmosphere of positivity on Wattpad and among Wattpad users.

No matter what people tell you, words have power. And you have the choice to either use it to break someone down, or build someone up.

Send in a note of appreciation to someone you care about today and put a smile on their face. Sure, it may be just a note, but it'll mean a lot to the person on the receiving end.

So go over there, and give someone a compliment! One from the heart that you know will bring a smile to their- and your- face. You never know, that person could really use some positivity and a little reassurance that there is someone out there who really cares.


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