Things that make you tremble

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A word and feeling every single one of us can in some way relate to. We all feel anxious, it's human nature. But what happens when this feeling starts intruding on our lives? What happens when it stops us from doing something amazing? 

For a writer, it's often found in the moment before we hit the publish button to share our work to the world. The shaking hand as you click the button, the re reads over and over again just to make sure you have fixed every mistake you can see. 

I've had more messages than I can count, asking for advice on how to make stories 'better', because the writers behind the screen don't think their work is good enough to post. – I speak mainly of Wattpad here, as this is the site that allows anyone, anywhere to post anything they have written. 

But even Wattpad is a contest- who has the most reads, votes, comments. Where their book is ranking. And competition puts a fear in people. Who will read my book? How can I get more comments and votes? Will anyone like what I have written? 

I often reply to these messages with the same response. 

Go for it, because what is there to lose? The magical thing about writing is that it can be re written. Books on the shelves in your home, in the shops, online- have all been written, edited then edited again. Nothing your post out into the world must stay the same forever. As you grow in your writing skills, so will your stories- and the only way to become a better writer is to write. 

There is a trepidation, in every writer, that people will not like our work. But I think that's where Wattpad supports writers. It allows you to make friends, connect with other people who write the same genre as you, who have the same fears and anxieties. It allows you to share these feelings, and get constructive feedback. Your book may not jump to the million readers mark within a month, but hardly any do. 

So, if your reading this, with trembling hands, thoughts in your head telling you that you aren't good enough to post your work, that no one will like it, no one will read it- then tell that voice to shut up, and believe in yourself- because I, and so many other people, believe in you too. 

Anxiety can affect many people, in many ways. This post is just one of the ways in which anxiety can affect someone, if you are interested in reading about anxiety, and the condition in more detail then head to an earlier chapter in this book that I've moved up so it's the next chapter called- 'What actually is anxiety' and check it out.

#visibleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora